3d human with a quesiton mark.

what is reading and writing??

    The ability to read and write is called literacy. Which is the most important skill that one can learn because it’s used in so many places like in schools, work, home and everywhere you go. I did a lot of research about reading and writing and I had different but at some extent same perspective from different authors and what they think about reading and writing. From the book, Bad Ideas About Writing, I read one from the many sections of the book “Reading and writing are not connected,” (38-42) written by Ellen C. Carillo. From this section of the book, according to the author she believes that is a bad idea to continue privileging writing at expense of reading. This is a bad idea because reading and writing go hand in hand, and they are related so teachers shouldn’t focus only on one. The author also says that in public debates about the best way to teach literacy at the college level that people fail to acknowledge is that reading, and writing are connected practices and, as such, the best way to teach them is together. In other words, Ellen C. Carillo thinks that is a better idea to teach reading and writing together because they are connected and benefits are greater than when taught separately,  like the author said, “Although writing is more often thought of as a creative act, reading is just as creative. When one writes, one is creating meaning by putting words and ideas together. When one reads, the same thing is happening” (40). Research has shown that when students receive writing instruction, their reading fluency and comprehension improve however, without strategies for reading course material and opportunities to write thoughtfully about it, students have difficulty mastering concepts. This shows that reading and writing are connected, and they should be taught together without neglecting one.


“why is the kid struggling to write??

You may ask, does every scholars or authors think the same way Ellen C. Carillo think is a better idea about reading and writing? For in depth about this question, I scrolled through the For further reading of, ‘Reading and writing are not connected’ written by Ellen C. Carillo, and  I found two sources that I decide to do a further research on and try to find what the two authors think is a better idea about reading and writing. These two sources are, Robert Scholes’s “The Transition to College Reading” and “A Relationship between Reading and Writing: The Conversational Model1” written by Charles Bazerman. In Robert Scholes’s “The Transition to College Reading,” he focuses on how to deal with the problems or deficiencies in the preparation of college students in literature courses. The author gives advice to student, stating that they need to connect the development of reading and writing skills to the real world. Just like the author of “Reading and writing are not connected,” Robert Scholes swears that reading is neglected by many teachers and they only focus on teaching writing only. On the other hand, in the Article “A Relationship between reading and writing” written by Charles Bazerman was mainly about how reading and writing relate to each other. it talks about how a lot of people don’t understand the relation therefore causing a lot of struggle when writing. it also talks about a writing method using ancient antecedents and how it disciplines a person’s writing because writing in content disciplines requires mastery of disciplinary literature (59). When people think of reading and writing they are aware that they connect but avoid the real reasons why. There are steps that one must go through, that the author feels show great importance. One thing in the article that caught my attention was that the amount of information that people know about reading and writing effects how they write in subjects such as history, biology, and philosophy (61). He also talks about the many splits in writing that can make it more complex, in thinking about reading and writing in a broader view so that people can make connections (62). Basically, these three authors have the same point of view when it comes to reading and writing. They both believe that is a better idea that teachers should teach reading and writing together because they are related to one another thus, one can’t be a good writer without being a good of a reader. Reading and writing both play a role of someone’s level of literacy. I remember in my elementary grade years, I spent most of my time reading books and the more I read the more I became good at it. As a result, I started learning new vocabularies and structure of writing like how to put thoughts together and flowing in a logic way. My reading perfected my writing.


i read and i write

reading and writing where is the big deal?

    In conclusion, I agree with all the three authors and my thoughts on what step should teachers take is advice on “reading and writing are not connected,” Ellen C. Carrillo said, “We are all encountering more text and visual images than ever before. There is a great deal at stake if we don’t take the opportunity to teach active reading alongside writing. Instructors need to teach students different strategies for reading the complex texts they will encounter throughout their academic careers and in the world” (41). Also reading and writing develops a communication skill.  All students deserve higher literacy level that’s why they attend schools for education and teachers should be able to provide a better way of teaching. Instructors might also provide a strategy such as reading like a writer, wherein readers notice the choices a writer has made and understands the relevance of those choices to their own writing.


