Toni White BIAW


Geoffrey Carter wrote an article called “Writer’s Block Just Happens” in the book Bad Ideas About Writing. BIAW author Geoffrey Carter, Donald Murrary from ‘When Writers Can’t Write’ and David Barthelme from ‘Not Knowing’ all believe that writer’s block has a solution they do though disagree on the solution. According to Geoffrey the concept of Writer’s block is “overblown”. It’s a common misconception that writers go through period of ‘writer’s block’  where they simply can’t write and it the worst time of their life. Writer’s block is not something to shy away from or just happens out of nowhere. There are solutions for writer’s block. Anyone can develop a process to help them get out of writer’s block. To do this, writers need to get to know  their writing process and what works for them. Every source has a different way to conquer the delay known as writer’s block. Murray believes that its a part of the process is to be delayed while writing and it isn’t smart to “write to write”. He sourced David Barthelme that believes that writing without knowing what apart of what makes writing magic.


The differences between the solutions  for writer’s block connects them all at the main idea of the existence of solutions for writer’s block. Ideally, Carter’s solution gives the writers a chance to expand their writing in a unique way, “by playing with words and names. Doing so, I believe, negates the very problem of writer’s block.”(Carter 101) He doesn’t believe that writer’s block should actually affect the amount of work you can produce. His idea for fixing writers block is challenging yourself with using different words to create different concepts and overcome  writer’s block. “Whether the patient was calling Bergler out as a burglar”(Carter 101) Professor Carters idea of how to solve the writer’s block contrasts from Murray idea. “We delay writing until we can find the need to write.” (Murray 3) When writers are struggling to write they shouldn’t write is the idea that Murray is trying to convey to the readers. This contradicts Carter because he gives writers a quick fix for the block but Murray just says embrace it. Barthelme on ‘Not Knowing’ “without scanning process engendered by not-knowing, without the possibility would be no invention.”(Barthelme 510) In other words not knowing where the writing is going can be beneficial and even assist at moments when feeling lost in your writing. The concept of not knowing creates inventions and things unexpected.

Geoffrey V. Carter addresses his reader “As a writer myself, I know that writing doesn’t always come easily. Fortunately, I’ve always been good at researching things before I really start writing.”(Carter 99) In other words writing will not always be simple but it is very important for writers to actually research and prepare themselves for what the task ahead. This idea agrees with Murray in a one way of saying writing won’t come fast and easy all the time. Some writers don’t accept that and expect for writing to be a constant thing with the flow of tons of ideas 24/7. “Amateurs try to write with words; professionals write with  information. They collect warehouses full of information, far more than they need, so much information that its  sheer abundance makes the need for meaning and order insistent. (Murray 2) The point of researching and having prior knowledge is important before immediately writing, it also suggests that the lack of research can  prohibit writing. 

Writers are destined to be stuck at some point and Barthelme feels strongly that it’s normal. His book is written where he is actually writing a story, while demonstrating his process of writing at the same time. The way he formatted his chapter in the Georgia Review made it difficult to find the places where he described his thoughts about ‘writer’s block’. It was very abstract like he never explicitly  said writer’s block but to infer he was talking about what he does when he doesnt know whats next in writing. “Let us suppose that someone is writing a story. From the conventional signs he takes an azalea bush, plant it in a pleasant park… what happens next? Of course I don’t know. It’s appropriate to pause and say that the writers who, embarking upon a task, does not know what to do.” (Barthelme 509) He starts an actual story to show the process of adding more to whatever you are writing. He later on talks about how if writers are  immediately ready to write and always knowing what’s next it is no longer art but “Journalism and sociology.” This is not the type of writing that Barthelme wants writers to do. He believes it should be more organic/natural.


Writer’s block is not something that just happens. It can be solved and there isn’t one correct way to avoid it. Every person can find a process that works for them when they don’t know what to write next. Carters article is a composition of anecdotes where a writer found themselves blocked and how they found their way out. “I want to mention how it reinforces some of the other strategies for overcoming writer’s block that I’ve come across”(Carter 100)  It gives writers multiple people and theories to relate to. This provides support for the idea that there is a solution to the problem of writer’s block. BIAW provided multiple ways to overcome writer’s block. Murray and Barthelme and Carter share ideas on what writers block does to a writer but they all fortunately give writers different ways to fight it or even accept it.

Toni white BIAW

Geoffry Carter wrote an article called “Writer’s Block Just Happens” in the book Bad Ideas About Writing. BIAW author Geoffrey Carter, Donald Murrary from ‘When Writers Can’t Write’ and David Barthelme from ‘Not Knowing’ all believe that writer’s block has a solution they do though disagree on the solution. According to Geoffrey the concept of Writer’s block is “overblown”. It’s a common misconception that writers go through period of ‘writer’s block’  where they simply can’t write and it the worst time of their life. Writer’s block is not something to shy away from or just happens out of nowhere. There are solutions for writer’s block. Anyone can develop a process to help them get out of writer’s block. To do this, writers need to get to know  their writing process and what works for them. Every source has a different way to conquer the delay known as writer’s block. Murray believes that its a part of the process is to be delayed while writing and it isn’t smart to “write to write”. He sourced David Barthelme that believes that writing without knowing what apart of what makes writing magic.



The differences between the solutions  for writer’s block connects them all at the main idea of the existence of solutions for writer’s block. Ideally, Carters solutions gives the writers a chance to expand their writing in a unique way. “ by playing with words and names. Doing so, I believe, negates the very problem of writer’s block.”(Carter 101) He doesn’t believe that writer’s block should actually affect the amount of work you can produce. His idea for fixing writers block is challenging yourself with using different words to create different concepts and overcome  writer’s block. “Whether the patient was calling Bergler out as a burglar”(Carter 101) Profeesor Carters idea of how to solve the writer’s block contrasts from Murray idea. “We delay writing until we can find the need to write.” (Murrary 3) When writers are struggling to write they shouldn’t write is the idea that Murrary is trying to convey to the readers. This contradicts Carter because he gives writers a quick fix for the block but Murray just says embrace it. Barthelme on ‘Not Knowing’ “without scanning process engendered by not-knowing, without the possibility would be no invention.”(Barthelme 510) In other words not knowing where the writing is going can be beneficial and even assist at moments when feeling lost in your writing. The concept of not knowing creates inventions and things unexpected.


Geoffry V. Carter addresses his reader “As a writer myself, I know that writing doesn’t always come easily. Fortunately, I’ve always been good at researching things before I really start writing.”(Carter 99) In other words writing will not always be simple but it is very important for writers to actually research and prepare themselves for what the task ahead. This idea agrees with Murrary in a one way of saying writing won’t come fast and easy all the time. Some writers don’t accept that and expect for writing to be a constant thing with the flow of tons of ideas 24/7. “Amateurs try to write with words; professionals write with  information. They collect warehouses full of information, far more than they need, so much information that its  sheer abundance makes the need for meaning and order insistent. (Murrary 2) The point of researching and having prior knowledge is important before immediately writing, it also suggests that the lack of research can  prohibit writing. 


Writers are destined to be stuck at some point and Bathelme feels strongly that it’s normal. His book is written where he is actually writing a story, while demonstrating his process of writing at the same time. The way he formated his chapter in the Georgia Review made it difficult to find the places where he described his thoughts about ‘writer’s block’. It was very abstract like he never explicitly  said writer’s block but to infer he was talking about what he does when he doesnt know whats next in writing. “Let us suppose that someone is writing a story. From the conventional signs he takes an azalea bush, planta it in a pleasant park… what happens next? Of course I don’t know. It’s appropriate to pause and say that the writers who, embarking upon a task, does not know what to do.” (Bathelme 509) He starts an actual story to show the process of adding more to whatever you are writing. He later on talks about how if writers are  immediately ready to write and always knowing what’s next it is no longer art but “Journalism and sociology.” This is not the type of writing that Barthelme wants writers to do. He believes it should be more organic/natural.




Writer’s block is not something that just happens. It can be solved and there isn’t one correct way to avoid it. Every person can find a process that works for them when they don’t know what to write next. Carters article is a composition of anecdotes where a writer found themselves blocked and how they found their way out. “I want to mention how it reinforces some of the other strategies for overcoming writer’s block that I’ve come across”(Carter 100)  It gives writers multiple people and theories to relate to. This provides support for the idea that there is a solution to the problem of writer’s block. BIAW provided multiple ways to overcome writer’s block. Murray and Barthelme and Carter share ideas on what writers block does to a writer but they all fortunately give writers different ways to fight it or even accept it.