Are Writers Born Or Made?

"Instead of obsessing over the things you can't change, focus on what you CAN: Your attitude, mindset, and energy. -Mandy Hale" by deeplifequotes is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Instead of obsessing over the things you can’t change, focus on what you CAN: Your attitude, mindset, and energy. -Mandy Hale” by deeplifequotes is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Some People Are Just Born Good Writer”
There is a notorious imagination that flair is something people are either born with or without. Many people have faith that victorious writers are those who were born with a unique blend of creativity. The idea that some people are born good writers discourages people who want to learn to write, and with this thought, they never try to write. Jill Parrott, Katherine Brooks, and Dr.Carol Dweck all believe that the only way for people to become good writers is for them to overcome their anxiety towards writing. A more practical idea is that Good writers are only made through a growth mindset, dedication, and determination.

About Writing, Jill Parrott says that “improved writing can be taught to writers at aIn her essay “Some People Are Just Born Good Writers,” in the book Bad Ideas ll levels, but we must first debunk the deeply held idea in the collective psyche that only some lucky people are good writers” (74). The author Jill Parrott is persuading her readers towards the right mindset revolution. The right mindset is fundamental to anyone who desires to become a good writer. Writing is always about the process. Like thinking, It pauses. It changes. It starts again and again. Writing takes practice. Good writers are not born, they are learned. One of the authors Neill Conor is emphasizing his ideas about writing is that “writing is thinking to believe that in your head something that feels clear is thinking is a very dangerous thing when you try and put it down on a page when you try and layout your ideas in a structured order that someone else can digest and you realize you can’t so it’s the weakening of thinking not writing, writing is thinking” (Neill, Conor). People with good growth? mindset believe that their abilities can grow with effort, as effort creates ability. They understand when they are learning or doing something challenging, like writing something. They know that hard work can help them accomplish their goals. On the other hand, people who believe that they are born without talent, they become demoralized, never even make an attempt, and also they don’t seek out opportunities for improvement. And this is because of the immature mindset that causes writing anxiety.
And what is writing anxiety and how to overcome it?. All these things are pretty-well explained in Katherine Brooks’s article, “Writing Anxiety and Job Search.” She believes that fear is what holds most people back in their writing, and anxiety is based on a lack of knowledge, way of thinking. Too much agitation will avert people from doing hard work. As she says in her article, “Instead of avoiding writing, seek out opportunities to improve your writing generally. Look for writing groups or writing institutes to develop your skills. It will build your confidence, and as your confidence grows, your anxiety will decrease” ( Once they learn to write can let go of that fear and use opportunities to improve their writing style. Good writing needs dedication perseverance, and confidence is often viewed as an essential characteristic of successful writers. By taking feedback from people, peer review is also a necessary part of being a good writer. But bad writers already have a plan to not doing these things, and then they are always left behind due to fear of writing and fixed mindset that either people are born smart or they are not. She also introduces a book that helps people overcome their fear, anxiety, and depression “Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program To Beat Anxiety And Depression” by Joseph J. Luciani. The author Katherine Brooks is convincing her readers that their mindset is everything. If they work on a growth mindset then they will fight with their writing anxiety.

Without the belief that improvement is possible, there is very little chance that a writer will progress. It is the foundation of the growth mindset. Dr. Carol Dweck is a psychologist and growth mind expert who says in her article that “Growth mindset is a belief that intelligence and skills can improve” ( She demonstrates that people with a growth mindset believe they can develop talents and abilities through learning and hard work. And they are overwhelmingly happier, healthier, more prosperous, successful in school, business, employment, life. On the other side, some people with a fixed mindset believe that they have unchangeable talent and abilities. A growth mindset encourages creativity, and a fixed mindset holds people back. Potential is based on the amount of drive and determination they bring to accomplish their writing goals.

Dweck says that people can create a growth mindset by continuously learning new skills, and by being willing to try new things. She interprets growth mindsets with a figure of circles chain in which a person sets learning as a goal, has faith with this thought that he can get smarter, and efforts make him stronger and by spend more time and work harder. He will get higher achievements. She demonstrates fixed mindset and growth mindset by showing two brain pictures which show that if a person has fixed mindset than his intelligence is static, he avoids challenges, gives up quickly, sees effort as worst thing, ignores useful negative feedback and in the end feel threatened by the success of others. On the contrary, “A person with a growth mindset his intelligence can be developed, embrace challenges, persists in the face of setbacks, see efforts as the path to mastery, learn from criticism, and in the end, find lessons and inspiration in the success of others” ( So According to her, the mindset revolution matters if someone wants to be a good writer growth mindset can lead them to more significant achievements.
All novice writers and student writers whose desire to become good writers firstly must debunk the bad idea that successful author is born with talent and replace their fixed mindset with a growth mindset. As Dr. Carol Dweck says that with the growth mindset they understand in a better way about how writing works as a process and increases confidence in their abilities as a writer. And this confidence helps weaker writers to become better writers. As Katherine Brooks says in her article that by expanding mind it builds confidence in writers and this confidence overcome their writing anxiety and when people overcome writing anxiety so they would easily understand that “Good writers are Not Born, They are learned” (Jill, Parrott). Three different authors observed over the year that bought all of them to admit on the idea that good writers are only made through a growth mindset.

Works Cited:

Parrot, Jill. “Some People Are Just Born Good Writers.” Bad Ideas About Writing, edited by Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Loewe, Digital Publishing Institute, 2017, 71-75.
Brooks, Katherine. “Writing Anxiety and the Job Search.” Psychology Today, July 30 .2010,

Dr. Dweck, Carol. “Decades of Scientific Research That Started a Growth Mindset Revolution.” The Growth Mindset – What is Growth Mindset – Mindset Works,
Neill, Conor. “How To Improve Your Clarity Thought (Writing is Thinking). Youtube, March 07, 2017.


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