Strong writing and writers don’t need revision

Strong writing and writers don’t need revision

When writing revision is key in order to be a better writer weather you are a writer or not, better writing that should be your goal from the start. Remember even experienced writer have problem to overcome. Writing should never be seen as perfect in the first place. When writing you should be looking improve in every writing situation. You should think of writing as reflection of you. If you never attempt to receive feedback from an outsource hoe will you ever get better at writing. Never forget to embrace messy writing.

  • Revision Strategies to encourage strong Student

Having a clear understanding of what you are actually writing is a big key to actually learning what you are doing right or incorrectly. You have to really think about what actually exist in writing or when it come time to show the audience, they will be even more lost and uninterested. Erica Lynn Cirillo-McCarthy think it’s better to direct your writing and look at it as working parts, almost like a machine or gears. Sommers says that revising confuses the start and the finish the agent and vehicle it confuses in order to find the exact argument. Revision is not meant to confuse the writer but to blur the way writing is perceived to be which a perfect writing process it should be messy. Sommers believes that students should embrace the messy recursive way of writing to challenge the writer. Revision is really a correlation of you and the writing meaning your writing represents you this is what your audience will be looking for, the personality in your writing. Nancy Sommers main thing was trying to get students past the simple way of the writing process and order to be stronger with revision. Nancy Sommers also stated that students focus to much on word choice and sentence organization. Sommers really wanted students to move past the word components of writing and teach themselves how to view writing as an expansion of ideas.


  • Seven keys to effective feedback

Feedback is used to describe all comments after everything is finished, advice and other things. Feedback is no more than information about your efforts to reach your objective. Some examples of feedback would be tone of voice the reader letting you know what he is truly feeling about your wring process. To even receive feedback the writer should already have an idea of what their goal is. Studies have shown that teaching less and giving student feedback will result in better knowledge. An example of feedback could be my football coach telling me that I give too many steps on the snap of the ball or my baseball coach telling me my rear elbow to too low causing me to miss the ball. Feedback should useful to the writer, there to help in a user-friendly manner.

  • Being transparent

Being able to get useful feedback is important in ways of learning new thing about yourself as a writer, being a writer the effect you give means a lot you have to look for clue within the audience, such face expression, giggles and gasp because it all correlates to the effect and personality your writing have. But as for the audience feedback should be user friendly, why? The feedback won’t be any good to the writer if they are not understanding it or overwhelmed by the criticism. You have to get the writer to understand the importance of what you saw that was a flaw in order to expect any improvement. 

  • Good and Effective consistency

Feedback should be always there no matter what. The problem is really that most writer think that they have it no that that they have receive and that’s it but No, because what happens the next time you have to be the performer again, but this audience is way different. There’s always time and a place for constructive criticism.

  • Adjusting your performance

With performance feedback is needed and should be timely, why?  Instant feedback is great because the performer could have a chance to alter his effect on the audience. Having the opportunity to do this allows the writer to plan ahead and learn how to move the audience the way he want weather its emotion or verbal. the main thing is that writers have to learn that making errors is a bad thing, but not learning from them is.


  • What feedback shouldn’t be

First let’s talk about what feedback shouldn’t be, saying that you didn’t do this right or I don’t like how you expressed this is not feedback, you have to dig in and give them useful info that they can actually work on, no one can work their writing with criticism like “I don’t like this”. These are three examples of what feedback shouldn’t be.

  • You need more examples in your report.
  • Gloves would work better for this job.
  • You should run on your toes.



Erica, Lynn, Cirillo, McCarthy. “Revision Strategies to encourage strong Student Writing”, Stanford University., (2014)

Grant Wiggins, “Seven Keys To Effective Feedback”,, (2012)

Laura Giovanelli, “Bad Ideas about Writing”, pg 104 -108, (2017)

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