Stay On Top Of It!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I struggle with deadlines. Procrastinators of the world unite! …tomorrow. As I’ve gotten older and been “out in the real world” as my parents like to say, I’ve definitely gotten better, but it hasn’t been easy. Here’s a few tips to help you stay on top of your assignments, projects, and work:

  1. Put it in your calendar.

Wherever you track your meetings or assignments (preferably electronic, so you can set reminders!) put an event on the due date and set multiple reminders (I like to do two reminders: 1 week in advance and 3 days in advance).

  1. Start. The work. Early.

When you start projects early, there is so much less pressure! Start early enough, and that 3-day reminder is just a “final touchups” reminder, and not an “oh no! I only have 3 days to do this project!”

  1. Set timers.

Sometimes it can be hard to sit at a computer and write a whole presentation/project/paper at a time. You need structure! Set an appropriate amount of time, and then work hard. 45-60 minutes of nonstop, non-interrupted (to the best of your ability) work, and then a 10 minute stretch your legs /get a glass of water break. If your presentation or project is in multiple parts, establish a rough timeline for those pieces and do the same thing – 20 minutes to write the introduction/opening slides; take a quick break; 30-45 minutes to work on the body/first few slides; take a break and walk your pet; 30 minutes to write a conclusion/closing slides; take a break.

Note: Be sure to stretch your legs and eye muscles – sitting and staring at a computer all day every day isn’t good for your body!

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Sometimes we miss deadlines. Sometimes we have to push proposals/presentations/meetings because we’re not as prepared as we’d like to be. Sometimes life gets in the way. That’s ok! We’re all human. As long as it’s not a repeated behavior, having to push a meeting here or there is not the end of the world. Don’t let it ruin your day or week. Apologize for any inconvenience and get right back into it – maybe after you play with/walk your dog for a few minutes to get some serotonin/dopamine!

  1. Celebrate the big ones.

And the small ones – who’s counting? When you turn in, publish, push send on that really important email, close out a presentation – celebrate. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for completing it. I sometimes find myself ranting to my partner about a really tough project I’ve been working on and even if she doesn’t understand a word about it (and vice versa – she’s in finance, I’m in application services) when I tell her I’m finished, I get an “I’m so proud of you” that the sent, saved, or published icon never seems to get right.


Please feel free to reach out with any questions (in the comments section below)! And remember to subscribe (check out the widgets on the side)!

My door is always open.

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