Once Upon a Time #1: “Messy Desk”
In approaching these narrative photos I wanted to guide the eye intentionally through the photo. I filled the space with elements that were clear themselves but also had clear connections with one another. The mirror, my profile, the desk and the drawing on the wall; these elements can be viewed in any order and a narrative will be formed through the various connections and interpretations. I chose to make the photo black and white to connect the piece to charcoal. The piece reflects my artistic process: reflection, creation, observation, creation. We pull images from what we see and from what we feel.
Once Upon a Time #2: “ Made Mess”
This piece is more concise in its use of its elements. Stories are told in three parts; a beginning, middle and end. The ink bottle, the spill and the frame; you may view these elements out of order, but you put together the story in chronological order. Each element is a clear reaction to the last and the narrative is clear.
Deadpan#1: “Potted Plant”
I wanted to give this dug-out street-sign a new context through the Deadpan style.
Deadpan #2: “Work Boots/ Drive-through”
I liked this scene and thought it would be most effectively captured in the deadpan style.
Something and Nothing #1: “Shelter and Shade”
When scouting for things to photograph in the something and nothing style I looked for things I did not understand in function or origin. These tw
Something and Nothing #2: “Reflection and Can”
I wondered what this can used to be and was intrigued by how to seems to mimic the texture of the gravel beneath it.
Intimate Life #1: “New Girl”
Attempting to take photos of my cousin and his wife was largely awkward; they didn’t know what they should be doing and I didn’t know what I wanted them to be doing. Their new cat came closer to my cousin and when he picked it up they both began petting it and were so distracted and natural with the cat. The light outside the window perfectly captured this moment of connection as it seems to trace the couple with a single line between the two.
Intimate Life #2: “Windows”
My cousin is working on his master’s degree and his wife is looking out their window observing the neighborhood.