Getting Started

Instructions for Students

In order to enroll in English 4500, you must first submit either a completed internship proposal (or MOU) or an application to be considered for placement with one of our internal sponsors or community partners.

If you already have an internship in mind or would like to find or design your own internship experience, you should begin by following the application process for the organization with which you are hoping to work. Handshake is a good place to discover available internships, especially if you are seeking remote work. Once you have secured a placement, you should work with your internship supervisor/sponsoring organization to complete the MOU and submit it to the Internship Program Director.

If you would like to be considered for an internship with one of our in-house sponsors or community partners, you should begin by submitting an application to the Internship Program Director.

Once you receive notification of your application’s acceptance, you should meet with your internship supervisor to complete the MOU and submit it to the Internship Program Director.

Be mindful of the eligibility requirements and application deadlines as you navigate this process.


After your MOU is approved by the Internship Program Director, you can take the following steps to enroll in ENGL 4500:

  • Open a browser window and navigate to the CAS portal:
  • Select the appropriate term.
  • Select “Academic Department Restricts Error.”
  • Fill out the course info and include a screenshot of your approval email to show that the instructor of record has approved your enrollment in the course. Once the request is approved by the College, you’ll be able to register for the course as normal.
  • Important: Be sure to select “3” credit hours for this course. It usually defaults to “1”. To adjust the credit hours, students need to click on the ‘Print/Other Options’ tab after registering. Then, select 3 credit hours.