My first couple of days and thoughts as an intern in ENGL 2210 class.
As I took my first glances into the class ENGL 2210, I felt familiar with the setting of the classroom. ENGL 2210 was my favorite class when I had taken it, so I had high hopes in what will become of this new experience. I walked students come in, I was introduced by the professor, and I sat down in my seat pondering my next moves. The class was featured long discussions over the reading material where I would go into different groups and answer questions while discussing findings. The readings that were chosen in the syllabus I was unfamiliar with, so I read ahead to get a better grasp of the material. Although I was very excited to be a part of this, I felt I blended in too much. Students would forget what I was there for, so they would talk to me as classmates. I have had no one come into my office hours. I suppose that is good because they have no questions. I hope so. I couldn’t help but think that maybe they just didn’t see me as helpful. I felt uneasy. Was I supposed to be informal with them? Here I was sitting in the same classroom around the same age as them, and I felt I was just another face. I grew weary of presenting material or discussing because what if they thought I was being pompous. I couldn’t help these thoughts flood into my head as I was working with everyone. It is just the beginning of the internship. If I truly want to achieve my dream of being a professor, I have to break out of this internal shell. I have not yet presented anything to the whole class, but next week I will. I have anxiety eating at me. I wish to not give them wrong information and know the answer to every question. I want to be confident as I am discussing the material and conversating with everyone. The class does focus on using technology as it advances more everyday by using multimedia projects. The students are beginning their drafts, so I am very excited to see how their drafts are coming along. Presentations are just around the corner. I have seen my peers’ presentations, but this feels different. Let’s see how this week goes!