David Levithan

I loved the article on David Levithan and really enjoy the concept of being open to change. If you would have asked me a few years ago if I thought it was okay to have books about the LGBT community I may have said no. However, over the few years I’ve learned so much and have become a lot more open about this topic. Many of the people who are opposed to these topics were raised being told that it was wrong. I believe that challenging books such as these are beneficial and important to include in the school system. Often times LGBT children are bullied or treated unfairly by those who do not understand the concept of being gay. By publishing books such as these, being gay can be seen as more of a normality. People are uncomfortable around things that seem gay because to them it is not something they see every day.  I can personally say that when I first witnessesed it as a child I thought it was weird and I didn’t understand it. I was so used to everything I was told when growing up that it was difficult for me to accept. However, I’m glad that I began to witness it more frequently because it no longer feels weird to me. By reading books on gay relationships or having friends that are gay I’ve learned that relationships work the same either way. Although David Levithan’s books continue to be challenged, he continues to write and I love that. He is fighting for the future and he is getting through a wall of oppression. I deeply admire him and would like to continue reading his work.

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