Who is Saba Hill? Saba is currently in her last semester of her freshman year at Georgia State University majoring in Biology with the goal of becoming a neurosurgeon. She chose Georgia State University because she feels like it will give her the experience she is looking for and also because of the smaller class sizes and cheaper tuition. She attended Steven’s Elementary, Everitt Middle School for 7th to 8th grade, and Wheat High school. After graduating high school she took a break from school and worked. Taking a break from school allowed her to decide what she wanted to do, she started off thinking she would be a prosecutor, then an engineer. She wanted her career to be based around helping others and that is when she decided that she wanted to be a doctor and is on a pre-med track at Georgia State University. In Saba’s words, she would describe her academic self as conscientious, determined, a leader, and a perfectionist.
She is not only a student but also a mother to her son and a soon to be the bride to her fiance. These two individuals play a significant role in her academic self. Her fiance, John has influenced her through his hard work and dedication. He graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in electrical engineering, and has worked for NASA, and loves his job. Her son who she had at 21 is now 4 and has a huge influence on her life. She wants to be able to provide for him and give him a good life and that has greatly influenced her academic self. Being a better person for her son is a motherly instinct as she explains and it encourages her and makes her want to keep going.
College can bring both proud moments but there are times where it could be frustrating and baffling. Saba finds having to take classes that she has no interest in frustrating. She does understand the importance of having a diverse education, but being forced to take a class she has no interest in is frustrating. She explains her art class last semester as a frustrating moment, she struggled through it because she had no interest in it and it was boring to her. Taking a physics class over the art class would have been better in her opinion. Although that did frustrate her, her GPA and many other accomplishments are proud moments in her academic journey. She currently holds a 4.00 GPA and was able to make the President’s list last semester.
This profile about Saba Hill was encouraging to me. The fact that in the beginning she wasn’t sure about what she wanted to do but held firm in her calling to help people is both powerful and relatable to my life. I think a lot of people simply work but very few actually do what they love, so it is admiral to know that she is pursuing something she loves. I also adore how Saba’s son is her one of her major influencers. For me, it shows that we all need someone in our lives to motivate us to achieve our dreams and to be the best academic self we can be.