Writer’s Block Just Happens to People

Many people, whether writing a book or just an assignment for school, can become frustrated and jump to the conclusion that they have writer’s block. The main idea in the article Writer’s block just happens to people by Geoffrey V. Carter is considered a bad idea because writer’s block does not exist. Edmund Bergler’s article Does ‘Writer’s Block’ exist? further displays how “blocks” do not happen in writing. Both articles include the common theme that when a writer ever feels blocked, instead of giving up, they should resume writing. A better idea about writing would be that writer’s block does not exist, and instead of feeling “blocked”, writers should continue writing to promote new ideas. 

A better idea about writing is that writer’s block is non-existent. Bergler states that “there exists no writers block” (Bergler 43). Writers believe they have come to a “block” when they become frustrated and overwhelmed with their work. Different factors can make writers feel overwhelmed including topic boredom, confusion about assignments, distractions, and stress. According to Carter, hesitation has been around since the beginning of writingNumerous individuals confuse hesitation and automatically associate being hesitant with being blocked. In reality, you have to try very hard in order not to create at all” (Carter 102). When assigned to a new writing task, it is typical for writers to become overwhelmed and struggle with writing good content right away. This common idea or concept leads writers to feel defeated. People must find a way around writer’s block instead of brushing it off as something that is common. 

The preeminent way around “writer’s block” is to resume writing. Writer’s block is considered a bad idea, but it is also just an “idea” … not an existent thingFor some people who feel stumped, it is easier to presume they have writer’s block and utilize it as an excuse for not writing. People use this excuse to procrastinate their work. Rather than giving up, writing anything (even if it’s not superior) can motivate real work. Bergler continues to explain how a “real writer continues to write, whether his product is saleable or not” (Bergler 45). Meaning that writing anything at all and just getting your brain working will more beneficial than not. According to the article 6 Reasons You’re Struggling to Overcome Writers Block by Jes Gonzalez, “the only way to overcome writer’s block is to simply write anyway.” You will never get anywhere in your writing if you delay the process. As claimed by Purdue University, a simple 10minute writing session can help overcome frustration and promote ideas. Even if you write about nonsense, writing (in general) will boost your work. 

 The mindset that writer’s block just happens to people is an immensely bad idea about writing. Writer’s need to start getting that idea out of their heads. When struggling, blaming your problems on being blocked seems to be an easy way out, but it just worsens the problem and causes procrastination. To promote healthy writing habits, focus on writing when you are stuck. Even spending 5-10 minutes writing will conquer the feeling of being unable to write. In general, the idea of writer’s block is non-existent, and writing is the leading strategy to fix a lack of inspiration. 



Works Cited

       Ball, E. Cheryl; Loewe, M. Drew. Bad Ideas About Writing. Dunn, A. Patricia; “Writer’s block Just Happens to People”. Pg. 99-103 

       Bergler, Edmund. “DOES ‘WRITER’S BLOCK’ EXIST?” American Imago, vol. 7, no. 1, 1950, pp. 43–54. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26301237. Accessed 7 Dec. 2020. 

       Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). Symptoms and Cures for Writer’s Block // Purdue Writing Lab. Retrieved December 07, 2020, from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/writers_block/index.html

       6 Reasons You’re Struggling to Overcome Writer’s Block. (2019, December 06). Retrieved December 07, 2020, from https://thewritelife.com/6-reasons-youre-struggling-to-overcome-writers-block/ 

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