“First-Year Composition Prepares Students for Academic”

                 In today’s society, people feel as if taking compositions during your first year of college prepares you for your academic study’s, but that is not overall true. Tyler Branson’s feels that the bad idea “First-Year Composition Prepares Students for Academic’’ completely ignores any other learning opportunities during  First-year writing that goes far beyond the development of essays And are scholarly in nature. Branson says that first-year composition limits students from other skills to focus on one specific skill during there academic learning. This bad idea can harm many students during their academic school years by allowing them to focus mainly on composition when there are many other skills that should be taught and learned.

                 Tyles Branson, Also known as the author of “ First-year composition prepares students for academic” implies that first-year writing helps develop students with better skills and better methods of writing. “First-year writing also works like no other course to push students to explore the possibilities of language, to work with new and uncomfortable ideas and genres, and to analyze important issues and how they are argued in the public sphere.”(Branson, Tyler.  Bad ideas about writing. Pg.21) During this Branson is saying how first-year writing helps students to achieve their goal during their academic studies, first-year writing explores the possibilities of learning how to develop skills and different methods of writing. If you want to grow you have to explore different fields, you just can’t focus on one topic and thing you are going to have a range of different skills and explore different methods.   First-year writing can help engage you in different genres of writing. The writer has to be able to see different methods of learning to be able to tell which one is better for a student.


“teaching writing skills” by Brooks publishing company, 7 Steps to Teaching Writing Skills to Students with Disabilities | The Inclusion Lab (brookespublishing.com)

As professors and teachers continue to look for effective ways to teach writing they come to realize that its hard to find a specific way to learn because there are different ways to set categories on the way people learn. As professors continue to argue if “First-year composition prepares students for academic”, Branson searches for information to go along with his argument so he can specify why that is not a good idea. Sharon Crowley, author of “Composition in the University” feels that composition studies have been influenced incorrectly and are not useful for the study of writing. All together she feel as if the teaching of composition has been taught wrong over the years and that composition should not be the main focus of learning.  Over the pass years composition teaching has not been Constructed in the manner in which other introductory courses have been established.” Due to its association with literary studies in English departments, composition instruction has been inappropriately influenced by humanist pedagogy and that modern humanism is not a satisfactory rationale for the study of writing.” (Crowley, Sharon. Composition in the university. Pg.47). In other words, Composition where wrongfully taught and influenced by human pedagogy because of its alliance with literary studies, and it’s not a good way to learn the skills or studies of writing.

                When it comes to finding an effective way to teach writing, the professors must try different skills of teaching to find out what works the best for the majority of the class. Looking at different strategies is very important when trying to find constructive way to help students when trying to prepare them for academics. First-year writing teachers political and cultural concepts, It encourages students to consider how these contexts could be, and Act to educate their own views on key public issues. Starting with first-year writing will guide students through their academics and allow them to maintain skills that can guide them further their education and help them improve. By following a bad idea that first-year composition prepares students for academic, it will have a stick in the mindset that they only need to focus on composition to become a better writer instead of actually taking in more skills to become the writer that they want to be. By studying the skills of writing and the process student will be able to learn more about the history of writing and not just one skill, when there are indeed plenty of more skills you have to know other them composition when learning how to become a better writer. Teaching all skills of writing will overall help to become a better writer and help them through their academics.



                     Branson, Tyler, “First-Year Composition Prepares Students for Academic”, Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Loewe, ‘’Bad Ideas About Writing’’.(2017)  p18-22

                          Crowley’s, Sharon, “Composition in the University” (University of Pittsburgh Press), SERIES Composition, Literacy, and Culture (1998).

                        Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Loewe, ‘’Bad Ideas About Writing’’.(2017)  Series.

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