The 8 ways project was our introduction to three-dimensional design. We had to create 8 different sculptures out of paper. Each sculpture had to use one entire sheet of paper, and with that paper, we could create anything whether by crumpling, macheting, folding, cutting, etc. It forced us to be creative and think in 3D space.
This particular sculpture is a garden basket. At first, I was trying to make a music staff to make a musically themed sculpture. However, it did not turn out the way I wanted. So instead, I used the strips of paper I cut out and reused them to fold them on themselves to create this sphere-looking shape. I then put the excess crumpled-up paper in the center to mimic flowers.
Overall, I definitely learned a lot when it comes to creating 3D works, photography, overcoming doubt, and learning to let myself trust the process. And I am proud that I was able to finish this project and present works that I feel happy with.