Life cycle of Enterobacter


Posted by elam2 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 17, 2019


Enterobacter aerogenes diet plan is being a heterotroph where it uses organic compounds as a carbon source. Both Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes can convert fermentation of glucose or other sugars into glucose. The difference is that E. coli is a mixed – acid fermentations while E.aerogenes is a butanediol fermentation. In the figures shown below are from the textbook where both bacteria undergo glycolysis to produce butanediol, ethanol, Co2, and H2. E. coli will produce an equal amount of Co2 and H2 on the other hand E.aerogenes will produce more Co2 than H2.

The optimal temperature it needs to maintain itself is approximately 37 °C. The pH for E. aerogenes ranges from 4.4 to 9.0, but the optimal pH is around 6.0 – 7.0. It does not produce spores to grow. Since it is an anaerobic facultative it can grow with or without oxygen. With the optimized growth condition, it can grow in around 16-18 hours with the process of binary fission. Binary fission is the process where the cell divides as it gets larger to twice of its minimum size to produce two equivalent cells.




Comments (2)

The fact that Enterobacter produces more CO2 than H2 is pretty interesting. If it can grow with or without oxygen, this explains why it can grow in only 16 hours.

I find it interesting how the optimal temperature for the e coli to thrive is the same temp that a human body is optimally at. The fact that it can grow without oxygen and that its pH range is varied must make it difficult to destroy.

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