Erica Hornsby

Artist Portfolio

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Drawing 1

Hue are you?

For this project we were instructed to make 6 canvas painting from still life objects that represented our life. For my objects I decided to do a candle stick/candle (representing life and journey), a sewing spool (representing my love for… Continue Reading →

Caught by an Angel Dream Project

For the dream video project, we had to envision our dream through artwork, photography, and video editing. For my dream, I wanted to do a reoccurring dream that continuously happens often ever since my grandfather passed away in November 2007…. Continue Reading →

The Dream

Dreaming is a powerful method to escape from real life and use one’s imagination. For the dream project we had to recreate a dream through three perspective drawings to further our knowledge with drawing perspective drawings and help with making… Continue Reading →

2D artwork

Voting Posters

Through my artwork i wanted to convey that one vote can change for generations to come. With the restricted age limit on voting, young kids feel as though their voice will not be heard. Through voting young adults can be… Continue Reading →

Organic Plaster

For the plaster piece I had to take a geometric form and transform it into an organic form. The tools that we were given were plaster, chisels, a mallet, gloves, and safety glasses. I have never poured plaster before and… Continue Reading →

Book Project

For the book project we were instructed to destroy a book and transform it in a fresh innovated matter. I brainstormed and plan out what I wanted to accomplish when recreating the book in a new way. I wanted to… Continue Reading →

Armor- Social Change

The purpose of the armor project is to identify a social issue in society and provide a possible solution. Through the armor I conducted awareness of the issue on child abuse. I want to make people aware about the damage… Continue Reading →

13 Ways

The thirteen ways at looking at a piece of paper project challenged the creativity and brainstorming of transforming a 8 1/2” X 11” office paper into a three dimensional form. This project developed and pushed ideas of thinking of a… Continue Reading →

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