Hello fellow fleshlings! I’m the creator of this little slice of heaven you see before yourself. There are a lot of things about me I’d love to share with you but most of it is classified stuff (I can’t have future fans know where I live). Anyways I’m a man with a severe love for trench coats, tea, videogames, classical music, and collectibles. I’m an old man at heart, so if you do happen upon me and try to get my number prepare yourself for a few minutes of me fumbling through my phone. My birthday is October the first, which is the spooky scary skeleton time of year. Nothing beats a cold and dreadfully windy afternoon coupled with pumpkins, creepy decorations, and a nice cup of honey chamomile tea with a touch of lemon. I have a lot of pet peeves, these include loud noises, the spawns of Satan that are cockroaches, boredom, and, worst of all, reboots of shows and movies alike. I choose this pathway to express myself and, more importantly, to express the experiences outside this mortal pane, aka my dreams. There is no better way to explain the maddening landscape of the human mind than art.