Monthly Archives: June 2015
My days in Budapest
Hey guys, I’m sorry that I am just now posting about Budapest. There was a lot going on and we were very busy. I’m actually back home in Atlanta but I’m going to recap on my experiences while in Budapest.
The first night in Budapest was really fun. Meagan, Matt and I went to a ruin bar. It was very stylish and creative. We had drinks while we were there and tried some Hungarian liquor that was extremely strong. That night was fun but the next morning was horrible for me. I didn’t have a hangover like a lot of you are probably thinking but I did have stomach pains that felt like I was being stabbed with a dull knife.
I went to the hospital and that experience only was like no other I had every been through. I thought I was in syfi scary movie. The service was bad and we were there for over 8 hours and didn’t get any accurate information on what was wrong with me. My suggestion to anybody who gets sick in Hungary wait till you get back to your home country to be treated if it isn’t anything serious.
Besides that the rest of the trip in Budapest was fun besides the obvious racism. I loved the architecture and the creative artwork that Budapest had to offer. Throughout the course of those 4 days we went to various places. We had the pleasure of soaking at the famous Szechenyi Baths and Pool. We had a tour of Kitchen Budapest or KIBU and go t insight on innovative technological ideas and entrepreneurship. We had a tour of Parliament and went to see a German Opera called Der Freischutz.
We had fun visiting the trap rooms and solving the different puzzle and learned of the history of the Hospital in the Rock. We ended with a terrific dinner at Cafe Derenye. Most of the group went on a Denube Cruise after dinner the last night but I was exhausted from all of the events throughout those few days and went back to the hotel to pack. This study abroad trip has been a wonderful and fun adventure for me and if anybody ever gets the chance to go on one make sure you take that opportunity. It is a once in a lifetime experience.