Coca Cola and Sustainability

Hey guys, today a few of us will venture from the group to have a private meeting with the Sustainability Manager at Turk Coca Cola. When I say that I am excited, that would be a understatement! I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it because I had woke up feeling sick. I missed the morning meeting that we had with the IT Product Manager at Turkcell, which was a little upsetting. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to make it to the meeting we had at Coca Cola but I pushed through.

The journey there was a hectic. How people drive in America is totally different than they do in Turkey. There seems to be little if any traffic laws so people drive however they want. So to sum it all up I was scared for my life while in the taxi headed to Coca Cola. We thought that we would be late but fortunately we arrived early.

While in the meeting I was engulfed in how much sustainability relates to all aspects of business and not just helping the environment. It is like a chain cycle where it takes all elements of the business to keep the company functioning. Sustainability affects Supply Chain Management, Marketing and even my field of study Human Resources. The type of water initiatives that Turk Coca Cola have developed have been nothing but amazing. Their social projects have been dedicated to giving back to the people and the growth of their employees. The love and support that they give not only to their community but to people worldwide is the reason why they have thrived for so long.

After the meeting we came back to the hotel to relax and prepare for our last night in Istanbul. I am sad to leave but I am appreciative of all the knowledge that I have gained through this trip and the friendships that I will take with me back to the States. Like they say, they save the best for last and the restaurant that we ate at had to have the best view in all of Istanbul. It sits on a rooftop of one of the hotels in central Taxim Square. We ate with our Marmara University friends and shared our last laughs before we have to say goodbye. It was a perfect evening with a beautiful sunset. I will miss Istanbul like crazy, especially on those days when I’m at work but I know I will see it again soon. Until then Teşekkür ederim.

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