Howdy folks! Have you ever had trouble trying to study hard memorizing those formulas for that math exam, cramming in all those dates in for history class, or even overcoming writer’s block for that essay in English that’s just around the corner? Well, maybe it’s about time you tried changing up your studying environment with the new Grade Saver 3000!
Alright anyhow, putting all the “as seen on tv” jokes aside, this semester has really seen an increase in my productivity using these methods. Check out the original article here for more information. Basically, there are a number of factors in your environment that impact how well your able to study and retain information.
Background noise. Some thrive better in an environment where there’s so much background noise that it becomes one collective sound that keeps them in the zone somehow. Others need to drown out all the noise by listening to their favorite tunes. Then there are also those who need absolute silence to make for a productive environment. Whatever fits best for you is what you should aim for when trying to find a place to study.
Lighting. This surprisingly affects me more than I thought. Dark rooms are just asking for a naping, but rooms with enough illumination keeps me awake and ready. Additionally, many students are using devices such as a laptops or tablets to complete assignments nowadays. Anything with a screen can pretty much harm the eyes over time especially if you find yourself studying way into the night. Using “night-mode” or “blue light filter” can help keep the harsh blue light that’s emitted from screens from straining your eyes. I would really recommend for heavy nocturnal studying.
Distractions. The reason I know I don’t always do well studying in the GSU library is because there are too many familiar faces in there. When you make one too many friends on campus, it’s hard not to make conversation when you encounter them. “While it’s been great catching up, I really have to get this essay done.” This is something you don’t hear me say very often because I’m just way to passive aggressive when it comes to this. Don’t be me. When you know there’s work that’s needed to be done, don’t put yourself in a situation that can make you become distracted.
So with that being said, this is what works for me personally: I like a warm, well-lit environment while being surrounded by other productive individuals and not too many familiar faces. It makes me comfortable enough to be able to study but not too comfortable to the point where I would easily find myself getting distracted. I also enjoy listening to non-lyrical study beats that are constantly being streamed live on Youtube. You can check some of them out here by clicking on this headphone emoji >>> ? . So, try these methods out sometime and see what works best for you.