Blog Post #8 – Computer Sciency Stuff: Data Center Design and Development

For this post, I’m gonna write about what I learned in one of my Computer Science classes. It’s about data centers. “But what are data centers?” one may ask. Data centers are special types of facilities or virtual infrastructures that are set aside to incorporate an organization’s IT equipment and operations. It is essentially the brain of a company. It is also the place where the bulk of the company’s critical processes are run. A data center would be particularly customized for the business which it is pertaining to.

The concept of data centers began as early as the 1940s back when computers systems were very large and occupied entire rooms. As time progressed, computers have gotten smaller, cheaper, and faster, but data processing needs began to increase drastically. This gave way to the use of networking servers to increase processing power, thus giving birth to the data center. Current data centers are likely to have thousands of very small and very powerful servers running 24/7.

The purpose of a data center is to deliver fast services for businesses; its sole purpose is to ask “what are your necessities?” Its tasks typically involve storing, processing and serving large amounts of critical data to its clients. Today nearly every large company, government entity, and even some smaller companies take advantage of a data center by some means. Companies such as IBM, Facebook, Netflix, Cisco, Google, Amazon, Intel, etc., all incorporate data centers in order to continue their daily operations.

Specialized IT technicians are in charge of managing data centers; they are responsible for overseeing the technical and IT issues within the data center and keeping it secure from potential threats. The management of a data center is necessary for an organization to be able to focus on a variety of situations they may face today and in the future. Plenty of research and preparation needs to go into managing a data center because there is so much equipment that needs to be managed.

With the vast amount of equipment, data centers are intended and configured built on a consumer’s desires. It can run with concentrated vitality and proficiency with the tiniest conservational influence. It gives you the ability to focus on your own business, you can help boost your services for greater success. As a company evolves, its data grows, and computing needs increase. Data centers are truly beneficial for any organization.