Intro/About Me

Greetings everyone! My full name is Emmanuel Matthew Clark. I’m currently 18 years young, and I’m a student here at Georgia State Perimeter College. I was born here in Georgia and pretty much lived here in the greater Atlanta area my whole life. I’m a Computer Science major, and I chose this route because I’ve always been fascinated by technology and its advancements through innovation. While I’m still not exactly sure what career choice I should make in the near future, I’m confident that whatever I decide on that it’s going to be something I love with a passion.

I chose to continue my education here at Perimeter because of its affordability and convenience. One thing I can appreciate about this campus other than distance is its sheer diversity. With that in mind, I’m totally looking forward working with and getting to know my classmates. I was never really much of a writer nor the type of guy to record my thoughts in a journal, so I feel like I’m encroaching on some unfamiliar territory here. On top of that, it has been quite some time since I’ve taken any English related course so bear with me. All-in-all, I’m excited to be here, and I’m looking forward to learning in this class.

2 thoughts on “Intro/About Me

  1. Hello! I found it interesting that your major is computer science. I have so many friends that have found that path to go to. What exactly made you want to deal with computers and such? What exactly sparked your interest? I also see that you’ve been raised in GA your whole life, do you think that once maybe you’ll continue your journey in another country or state? It was nice hearing your views of our campus! I also find it very diversified 🙂

    • Hey, sorry for such a late reply. I’m just now seeing this comment today. I must have had something disabled that kept me from viewing comments. Anyways, I remember my interest in computers and technology being sparked at a very young age, about 5 years old or so, and around that time I would mess around on my mother’s business computer just finding out all the cool things you could do on it. Sooner or later I would be the one assisting my mother on how to operate it. I’ve always enjoyed helping friends and family with their computer issues and nowadays I find myself building PCs just for fun and sometimes giving them away to needy people.

      Yes, I have been living in Georgia all my life. Though I’m not so sure if I’ll be journeying off into another country any time soon, it would be a nice thing to do someday in the future. The most traveling I’ve done related to my major is when I was in my senior year of HS. I traveled with a program called People to People Student Travel Programs. We traveled to the San Franciso Bay Area and stayed at Standford University for about 2 weeks. There, we build lego robots, visited several of the tech-centered companies located in Silicone Valley and all sorts of stuff I can’t fit in this comment section. It was loads of fun. Thanks for asking by the way! What about yourself?

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