Materials: Wire and Duct tape
This project was called the Creepy Crawly project. We were given the task to take aspects from either three insects or some insects and animals. We then had to use those aspects to create a whole new creature. We were to use wire and bend it to a 3D form. We had to have strong lines and form that is understandable. This was a more definite than abstract piece. It was our job to act as scientist/explorers and treat it as we discovered a new species. We gave them backgrounds and other information. With the project we could use up to 10% of a different substance than wire.
I first did some sketches of three different insects. I chose the Colorado Potato Beetle, Fat tail Scorpion, and Fire Ant. I was specifically a fan of the scorpion, so I used that as my main part of my project. I used primarily the thick wire to form a sound and stable structure. I then used the thinner wire to add more detail. I used a specific wrapping on the tail to make it posable and to act as a holder for the blunt end of the tail. I ended up cutting myself a lot in the process, but through literally blood sweat and tears I was able to finish the creature. I called it the Potato Scorpantle, and I gave it special qualities. I made it blind and used its tail as a walking stick of some sort. Overall, I think my process was good and my project came out great.