No’s Knife at The Abbey

As I was sitting in the audience waiting for No’s Knife to begin and pondering the complexity of Beckett’s work, I wondered about the audience Beckett had in mind when he wrote Texts for Nothing. This is a similar question I had when reading Joyce’s Ulysses. On the Dubliner’s Tour, the guide asked who had read specific texts by Joyce and with regard to Ulysses and Finnegans Wake joked about the small number of readers of those texts. On the literary pub crawl, the actors made similar jokes about Joyce’s work. There’s an inaccessible quality about these texts that prohibits most readers from understanding the message conveyed through these texts by the authors. This also brings to mind questions about the function of literature. If most readers find a text inaccessible or potential readers are turned off by the near universal reputation of a text’s inaccessibility, does inaccessibility become problematic?

Regardless, the opportunity to see Beckett’s work performed by the capable Lisa Dwan at The Abbey was an incredible experience. Her interpretation of Texts for Nothing was different from the way in which I read this text. As the writer and performer, her interpretation was more emotionally wrought, perhaps angrier, than the voice in which I read these stories. The dystopic set design enhanced Dwan’s intense interpretation. However, the sound effects, primarily accomplished by shifting the output of the microphone to different speakers and with different filters, created a schizophrenic rendering of the text that more closely aligns with my interpretation.  The auditory rendering of the play reminds me of a Youtube video I listened to many months ago wherein the auditory aspects of schizophrenia are replicated for the listener.

Dubliners & their funny relationship with the truth…




Dubliners has consistently stood out to me as one of my favorite modernist works. And while I was excited that we were going on a Joyce-themed tour, I became even more excited when our guide let on that the tour would revolve around Dubliners. 

I couldn’t believe the knowledge she had about the stories–how she knew which protagonists walked where and what Joyce thought of particular locations. Even though she mocked the folks who installed a plaque for Leopold Bloom (the fictional character), her connectedness with the texts and her ability to convey such memorializes the fictional characters in an equally significant way–which I do not find silly in the least!

I found what she said about unreliable bystanders particularly interesting.  To me, it conveyed the desperate nature of the Irish people and their desire to be connected to success, even if that success portrayed them negatively.

My favorite part of the tour was the readings in front of the locations depicted in the stories. Specifically, standing in front of “The Dead”–a story that maintains its emotional appeals for me–helped me connect actual Dublin to the Dublin I imagined while reading the stories. I hadn’t realized that those connections weren’t made for me until I was on this tour; perhaps it is because I have not been inundated in Dublin history or exposed to images of Dublin, but I was able to depict my own understanding of the city from the literature sans outside influence. Being here, and being in the places Joyce was influenced by, though, allows my understanding of Dublin to develop.


(Also, the pregnant lady lingering in the background, beating her husband added a nice touch to the meanness of Dublin that Joyce was trying to portray. I image she would have had a story in Dubliners if Joyce had been on the tour with us today.)

There is Always something new to see & Learn

 Today was a day full of activities. We had the opportunity to explore a different side of the city, and walk through James Joyce’s neighborhood. One of the things I enjoyed the most about the tour is the fact that we got to the chance to learned a little more about the personal life of the author, and actually see the landmarks that marked his life and career. These places served as an inspiration to established the settings in his book “Dubliners ” and “Ulysses” . After the tour we headed towards Dublin Port, where we got to contemplate an incredible view of the city. It was very refreshing, and I must say a much more peaceful and calm side of Dublin. Later on, we headed to another extraordinary  place: the Abby Theather. This place was founded by Lady Greogory and  W.B Yates with the sole propose of raising awareness in the community of the importance of developing a national identity .. or at least something  unique about who they were  as community. It of course served as platform to address political, and social issues in a more entrataining and peaceful way. We had the opportunity to watch the performance  of No’s Knife , which was incredible. Lisa Dawn managed  to interpret Samuel Beckett’s ideas in such peculiar way. It was just admirable. The whole act was well-put together. The sound effects definitely added so much context to the words of Beckett in “Texts For Nothing”.  Of course my favorite part was the final act, when the actress actually perform one of the texts assigned , and discccusted in our classs.  Being able to see her interpretation brought me  so much more clarity , and understanding of the texts. It was definitely an anmazing experience.  

“Who says this, saying it’s me?”

I knew before walking into No’s Knife that I would either love it or hate it. I’m glad to say I absolutely adored it, but I wanted to find some quotations from reviewers that hated it:

“The speech was so fast and woven tightly together, I think it was definitely aimed at literary audiences as opposed to a general audience.”

“Here’s the thing about No’s Knife. It’s extremely intense and completely baffling. I consider myself a fairly intelligent person and studied English but this was basically indecipherable. I spent the entire performance mystified, quite frustrated and wondering what I would eat for dinner. I don’t think I’d be alone in saying that it went on a bit.”

“To the one gentleman who gave a standing ovation at the end, if you understood it so well, perhaps you could explain it to the rest of us?”

One thing was universally true: Lisa Dwan absolutely fantastic. No matter how anyone felt about the play itself, the performance was unreal. While her interpretation of Beckett was much more intense and schizophrenic than mine, her ability to switch between different characteristics and play with the scenery and sound was impeccable. Her interpretation made Beckett what he should be – the play isn’t meant to be followed, it’s meant to be experienced. You may relate to some parts and not to others, and your neighbors in the theatre may be the exact opposite, and that sparks a conversation that will last long after the play is over. The part most interesting to me, past the dialogue, was Dwan’s legs – were those leggings? Body paint? Did I see them correctly as gangrenous legs with bloody gashes? What exactly is that supposed to mean – something different for everyone, like the dialogue itself?

While I don’t have answers to these questions, I think that Beckett’s Texts for Nothing and, thus, No’s Knife, absolutely stand to represent each person’s reflection on his or her own life and their experiences. The gravely breathing sound track that ran during the entire time before the play started and at every scene change was certainly meant to worm into the audience members’ brains and create tension that lasted throughout the play – similar to the feeling I got while reading Texts for Nothing.

A New Side of the City

Today we explored a completely new side of Dublin. As we arrived at the James Joyce Centre, I was amazed to see how much of the city I had yet to see. Our amazing tour guide showed us around what used to be a not-so-nice area during Joyce’s time in Dublin. Being new to Joyce’s work, I was worried that I wouldn’t get as much out of the tour as some of the other students, like the grads who seemed to have a wealth of knowledge. However, I was so surprised by everything I learned about James Joyce and his life as well as the “lives” of his characters. The scene was almost too perfect as an example of the “not-so-niceness” showed up when an altercation occurred across the street. The tour guide reminded us that this area was still not by any means the nicest place in Dublin. As I mentioned before, the physical connection to the literary material continues to strengthen my understanding and appreciation of the literature we have been studying as well as strengthening my appreciation for the authors who wrote about Dublin.

Later on in the evening, we had the amazing opportunity to see No’s Knife at the Abbey Theatre. As someone who spent countless hours in high school doing musicals and plays, this was an incredible excursion for me. Our discussion of Beckett’s “Texts for Nothing” this morning did little to aid my understanding of the literature, but I don’t really think understanding it is the point. I was amazed by Dwan’s talent in No’s Knife and felt as though she truly brought the piece to life. If she didn’t clarify it, she at least made it so much more interesting to watch and contemplate. The play tonight reminded me that even though cultures may be drastically different across the world, we can all share an appreciation for the same talents and performative arts such as the display we saw tonight.

Joyce, Beckett, and lots of coffee

Today was full of many things that were extremely moving to me. In class we talked about Beckett’s Texts For Nothing which sparked much conversation about why the text was so confusing and what the meaning behind it was. After class we went on the James Joyce tour which is one of my favorite things we have done so far. It really gave me an inside look on his early life and that explained a lot of the themes and stories found in Dubliners. Themes such as leaving Dublin because of his poor experiences with the city itself, and some quirky things such as the jumping over the fence. After the tour we went to the coffee shop and bookstore thats pictured in this post, and I ended up not getting coffee because they said they were out of non-dairy milk :(. I really enjoyed all of the books, and the ones about Irish history were all from authors I knew and understood now. This makes me feel a lot closer to Irish history. After the bookstore we walked across the river and saw the monument of the famine which I found extremely powerful. The statues of the people and the children were almost alien-like which I think was the point of it. It was to relay that the time period, that it was almost portrayed as not being real and the people there were so hungry that they didn’t even look real as well. Afterwards we saw a Beckett portrayal which I found extremely interesting because it didn’t clear up what those texts are actually supposed to mean. But the woman who portrayed this was absolutely incredible. The sound and emotion that was portrayed was something that stood out to me. It made me feel almost connected to the texts, even though you didn’t know what they were supposed to mean. Today made me feel more connected to the Irish history and the authors behind it.