Everyone on campus always has that one spot that they prefer to go to regularly, and for me it is the stone seating right next to Langdale Hall, you know that area where all the tents are put up. This little spot is important to me because it gives me somewhere to sit and breath and actually enjoy the day. It gives me the opportunity to take a break from a stressful mind set that a class can leave me in. I’m able to be alone, but not actually be alone. It’s where I sit between short class changes, and where I go to eat a snack or make a phone call. Sometimes even to just mindlessly stare at my phone, and keep refreshing my apps even though I’ve seen the content 1000 times already. It’s often the spot that I choose to cram for a test, or even just for some casual study time. It is the same spot that I have been going to since I first started attending Georgia State during the summer of 2015. I like the feeling of keeping to myself but still being in the middle of the busy school motion. I get to watch the other students move through their daily motions, the traffic jam of students between class changes and even see others choosing their spots to do just the same thing as I am. I am glad that I discovered this spot, because it gives me the chance to relax, even if it’s just for five minutes, or gives me that tiny boost of confidence I need when I glance over my notes right before a test.