Gresham Park, GA

This photo is of my passport just days before I leave in front of my home in Gresham Park, GA. This place is special to me because it is the place where I have figured out more and more about who I am. I’m from a small town which is Dahlonega, GA. When I was growing up I often found myself in environments in which I felt like I did not belong, and when high school came around I realized that the small town vibe was not for me. I applied to GSU because I loved the city vibe, and during my senior year of high school my parents moved to Wisconsin. Once I graduated I upped and moved here to Gresham Park, Atlanta by myself and started school. This was the place I found the most out about myself because I felt like I was in an environment I belonged in. It helped me find my passion for teaching, reading, journalism, band, and strengthened many family relationships that were once weak. Moving here on my own taught me valuable life and adult skills that I use every day now, and it helped me transition better into college. I thank all the successes in my life to this house that I moved into when I was 18.

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