Celebrating the Greatest Writers in Irish History

Today was a very exciting day. We had the opportunity to study the work of another great writer: Oscar Wilde. I found it to be very interesting , especially when constrasting his work with the work realized by James and yates. He certainly has a very different style, which may be due to the period time in which he lived , and his Anglo-Irish identity.  The text that we study is called “the portrait of Mr WH” which is based in a conspiracy theory regarding the muse in Shakespeare’s sonnets. I found it to be quite interesting because he managed to make an compelling presentation of this theory, regarding the lack of evidence presented in his work. This allow us to see how talented he was, and his ability to connect  and engage with the reader. After class, we headed to see his statue. One of our classmates read a passage from one of his texts written in jail,  which I found to be among one  of the finest and most personal pieces ever written. The message was powerful, and contagious, which again proves his efficiency to bond with the reader.  I couldn’t missed the opportunity to take a selfie with Mr. Oscar Wilde, who has inspired thousand of people with his work. After this , we headed towards the National Library of Ireland. One of the coolest things was the exhibition of James Joyce manuscripts, three of them which where addressed to another icon in Irish literature: WB Yates. Where he talked about his struggle to publish “Dubliners” one of our main texts for this course.  

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