A Ghrá mo Chroí, Dublin City

Today was, by far, the best day in Dublin. It was probably one of the best days of my entire life. In the morning, I woke up and made my way to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. On my way there, I stumbled upon Christ Church Cathedral. That is the story of my day, actually. I stumbled upon so many different gardens, bakeries, and shops. I was able to take my time exploring this city, and my heart grew fonder with every step. I walked through St. Stephens Green with a hot chocolate in hand, meandering my way along the flower-lined paths. Setting my own pace allowed me to discover so many things that I could have easily missed, including the photo attached to this post. The translation of the writing essentially means, “My love, Dublin City.” And that is exactly how I feel. This city captured my heart, today. I loved seeing the people and meandering down the streets. I walked close to thirteen miles today, and my feet are killing me! One thing I definitely learned was that I need more supportive shoes. By wandering through the city, I was able to really grasp the atmosphere of Dublin. I felt connected to the city today, and I experienced most of what the city had to offer. Today, though, really made it hard to connect to the readings, because my experience of Dublin is so different then Joyce’s writings. Overall, though, I loved Dublin and all of my adventures today in this incredible city.

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