Georgia State University Library

One of my favorite and most significant places on campus is the library, which is located at 100 Decatur St SE, Atlanta, GA 30303. In particularly, I enjoy visiting the 5th floor of Library South which appears in the photograph above. I usually come to this place when I am looking for some clarity ; both academically, and personally. The 5th floor of library south is designed for quiet study, which makes it the perfect spot to set my mind free, organize my thoughts, focus on what’s important and eventually find the answers to all my questions. Whether is writing an essay, reading a book,or studying for a test, this is the best spot on campus to get it all done. The library offers an incredible view of the city, which is always refreshing. This makes it  also a great place to relax, and clear your mind.

The reason why this place is significant to me is because it has seem me work hard towards the completion of my degree, and has served as an inspiration to keep working on it. Georgia State University Library counts with thousands of useful printed and electronic resources to helps us succeed academically. The resources found in this place have helped me define who I am  as individual, as student , and who I want to become as political scientist.  One of the things I love the most about this place is its accessibility. The library has very convenient hours of operation, which allows students to use this space at almost anytime.

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