Howth ???

Today was by far one of my favorite days in Ireland. After having breakfast and discusting  Yeats poems we headed to a beautiful place outside the city: Howth. This was W. B Yates home in his late childhood, so I thought that it would be very insteresting to see if anything of this place could have influence him as a writer. As soon as we arrived, I notice the beauty of this place. Although it seemed to be a very small town, the geographical characteristics of this place created one of the most beautiful landscapes and places I have ever seen or visit. Howth is sorrounded by the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. There is a beautiful sea port that constitutes a big part of the Dublin Bay. In there, we were fortunate enough to see a couple of seals swimming around the coast, and  awide diversity of birds. Our hike to the Howth Cliff was the big highlight of the day. It offered an stunning view of the  town, ocean and cliffs. It was very surreal, almost straight out of a movie scene. My heart was filled of joy , because being from such a small town I never imagined I would have the opportunity to see this side of world. I was very excited , and completely blown away by the beauty of this country. As I was contemplating my surroundings, I felt very grateful for every opportunity that has been giving to me. I also appreciated the gifts of nature more than ever before.There was a moment where I wished my love ones were here to see this with me.  I imagined my dogs hiking by my side, or swimming in the coast, and how perfect our lives would be in here. Ireland has slowly grown on me, and that reminded me of cresswell idea that places creates society. By this he means that our character and accomplishments in life are a construction of the places we have been, and that is our capability to connect with a location that turns a landscape into a place.

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