1916 Walking Tour

Today we did the 1916 walking tour which was led by Lorcan Collins (omg !!!!) who wrote the book The Easter Rising. That whole tour was incredible. I thought it was extremely informational and that guy is an incredible storyteller. I thought it was interesting to see all of the places where the Easter Rising had an impact. I think it’s interesting that all the rebels in the rising chose all of these specific places such as City Hall, the bridge, the General Post Office, and Dublin Castle. The most interesting part to me was when you could see the bullet holes in the pillars of the General Post Office. This is extremely symbolic within this place because it has so much history. The concept of place here is the physical markings that have been caused by this huge battle that was fought for independence. I also thought it was interesting when he talked about how they occupied these extremely significant places such as the Post Office and City Hall. I find it interesting that these two places can have more power than the rest of the places fought in the Rising such as St. Stephens Green. Places can be more significant than others, and its interesting that places can keep that significance for hundreds of years. The walking tour also had a significant split of people, and I think that also has to do with the concept of place. Some of these people who weren’t interested in the walking tour were younger and probably weren’t interested in history. This makes most of the places we went yesterday insignificant to these people because of the concept of history. I personally connect with history, so these places were significant to me. I think its super interesting that place can be connected to concepts in that manner.

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