The Reading Chair


As a PhD student in English and teacher of freshman composition, I read a lot. Whether I’m enhancing my knowledge of Transatlantic Modernism, my area of specialization, or grading papers, I’m required to absorb an exorbitant amount of material. I’m fortunate to have a home office that allows me the space necessary to read, research, and write in peace. On the walls hang my degrees, some funky artwork, and a 40-year-old picture of my mother taken by an aspiring photographer.  Two bookshelves, a couch, desk, and a chair comfortably fill the room. Many years ago, my husband’s aunt, Mildred, died, and as is the case when there are deaths in the family, her worldly possessions needed to be sorted. We were offered a few items, and we took them, although arguably our most treasured of her possessions is the burnt orange chair that resides in my office. It’s an old chair – old enough for the style and color to be fashionably vintage.

The chair is extraordinarily comfortable and because of its width will support a sitter in a variety of positions. I’ve read, graded, and fallen asleep in this chair. I enjoy its history and comfort as I sort through the history and literature that define my profession. I wonder about Mildred’s life and what she thought about because our bodies have filled the same space. As I advance in the PhD program, the level of engagement deepens, and some of the critical texts are denser and more challenging. I appreciate the quiet of an office and the comfort of a chair that allow me the luxury to focus on what I enjoy.

My Personal Space – A Bookstore, Of Course

A place significant to me in my personal life is absolutely any bookstore – this photo happens to be of the Barnes & Noble on Peachtree Street close to my apartment. As an only child, I absolutely poured myself into reading and bookstores were a safe haven for me. I’ve been to many bookstores over the years and have bought more than a couple hundred books for school and personal enjoyment. Even today bookstores are my favorite place – I can grab some coffee or tea, a light snack, and sit down and read a new book or study for class at any time of the day or week.

To me, my personal place needs to be somewhere I can unwind and relax: somewhere I can truly be at peace and be myself. A bookstore is, without a doubt, that place for me. It sounds predictable – and in many ways it is – but I have always felt at home surrounded by books. I normally go to one when I really need a new read or I desperately need to get an assignment done.

My “place”

The same week that I took this image, I moved into my new house. Since the house is nearly 40 years old, it has seen its fair share of changing conceptualizations of place. My awareness—through doing my readings for this class—of my own role in this process has been compelling, as my fiancé and I make small changes to the place somebody else called home less than a month ago. The walls are different colors and our furniture (that bares its own set of memories) is filling. Beyond these features, we have also begun brainstorming how we will approach further changing and customizing our place—renovating the kitchen, replacing the closet doors, refinishing the fireplace. Ultimately, I am taking what somebody else made meaningful and turning it into meaning for myself and my little family.


This all goes to say that taking an image of a place in my own environment is more complicated than I anticipated because my place is at a point of transition—its new to me and I am new to it. But, the rainy day that I read Ulysses while my cats slept on the chair besides me is part of that building of my place. Now, this place is where I moved in one weekend, and the following weekend I flew out to Europe for half a month (leaving my dear fiancé with all of the boxes to unpack). Furthermore, what I am doing right know—reading books for Ireland and writing this blog post—is one of the earliest memories established in this place.

(Here is a nice photo of my fur babies from a few minutes after. They were essential, in my opinion!)

#DubBelGSU #PreDepartureBlogPost

Reading in Place: GSU Campus

I learned quickly that GSU’s Writing Studio is a special place. Shortly after starting my first semester as a graduate student and tutor, I developed professional and personal relationships with people who are exceedingly dedicated to lifting their peers to their highest potential, whether that means sorting out complicated theories and brainstorming topics or being available for a coffee break. The value of having access to such an intelligent group of scholars, at any given moment, is unquantifiable, making the Writing Studio my favorite place to work. This work entails more than just reading and writing papers; it also includes developing my own teaching philosophy based on feedback from more experienced teachers, curating my perspective through discussion with outside perspectives and contemplating approaches to courses through comparing former student’s notes.

Ultimately, the Writing Studio’s aesthetic is nurtured by the people who occupy it. Reading, writing and studying develop from singular to communal exercises—something I never anticipated as a graduate student. It deviates from a library atmosphere, in the sense that there is laughter and chatter, but also nurtures an focused, determined mentality that is conducive for learning—(Not to mention the bonus of it being a space that aids other students in developing their skills as writers!)


#DubBelGSU #Summer2017

Coffee-Fueled GSU Visits

If you find me on campus, you either find me with a Starbucks coffee in hand or physically at a Starbucks, so it’s easy to say that Starbucks would be a place on campus that’s really significant to me. When the location in the Hurt Building opened up, I was thrilled! As a Graduate student, I don’t explore campus much; all of my classes have been in either 25 Park Place or Langdale Hall. This Starbucks is in the perfect location. It may seem silly that my most significant location is at a coffee shop (something not particularly GSU in nature) but I’ve gotten a lot accomplished at this Starbucks, especially during this most recent Maymester.

I came here every morning to work on grammar exercises and study for my exams. It got to the point where the employees knew me by name and knew my order before I could even say it. Sad? Perhaps – but it made my morning just a little bit easier. It was never too busy, but never too empty: the perfect atmosphere for studying. I met some of the sweetest people and even got to explain to a couple of them what sentence diagramming was once they saw my textbook.

Especially when other students are around, its easy to see we’re all here for the same things: exhaustion, caffeine, food, and motivation to get through the semester. When we’re all at Starbucks, we’re all in it together.


P.S.: My second most significant location was the Zen room on floor 23 of 25 Park Place. If you haven’t been there, you should go – it’s the perfect place to relax, sleep, or even get some work done, depending on your mood.