My favorite personal location is my desk in my room. This is where I complete my school work and my artwork and of course spend plenty of time on the internet! I get plenty of inspiration for my artwork from things I see in movies and other artwork that I view right there on my computer screen. Plenty of my writing and journaling is done right on this desk as well. This desk means a lot to me because I refurbished it myself. About a year ago, I was in the market for a desk because I had been doing all of my work at the dinner table. When I found this desk I knew it would be perfect once I put a little work into it. It is kind of small, especially now that I have so may supplies on it. Eventually, I would like to purchase a bigger desk but for now, this serves its purpose. The more I think about it I spend a lot of time at this desk. I eat at this desk, sometimes I sleep at this desk, I kind of live at this desk. I am actually writing this very blog post at the desk.
Monthly Archives: June 2017
Aderhold balcony
One of my favorite locations at GSU is the Aderhold balcony. During my first year, I spent quite a bit of time up there between classes. For me, it is a great place to eat lunch and enjoy the fresh air. Many times, I would go up there after my philosophy class and watch the people walk to the various restaurants. The building isn’t very tall but it is still scary to look down because I am somewhat afraid of heights. There is a beautiful old building right across the street from it. It is completely made of white marble and the windows are crystal clear and one can see right inside. I sometimes imagine I live in that building or that I am watching a movie scene take place right in the room closest the edge of the Aderhold balcony. right below that marble building is a street where is I once saw may protesters that were marching for water conservation. Another time, I saw musicians walking down the ally toward that center of the square with their instuments. I saw them set up and begin to play. I really like this balcony. Sometimes it is busy with lots of students chatting and laughing, other times it is quiet with only one or two people, and on many occasions, I am the only one there. Once, on a very quiet morning while most classes were in sesion I took my easel up there and completed a drawing. It was very peaceful.
Honey Bubble Hideaway
The photo above shows my best friend and I, if we were two delicious servings of bubble tea. I had never even tried bubble tea until last Fall when Hailey, my best friend, insisted that I simply could not live another day without trying it. Honestly, she was pretty offended when she found out. However, once she took me to the little shack across the street from Walter’s and robbed me of my bubble tea innocence, I knew my life was about to change. This may seem dramatic, but I kid you not, from that day forward, Hailey and I had a bubble tea date once a week. We eventually set our roots at Honey Bubble, a quaint spot on Ponce de Leon that served top-notch tapioca. We came here just about every single Sunday with the intentions of studying and preparing for the week ahead. Of course everybody knows that even the best of intentions can be lead astray. Week after week, Hailey and I found ourselves abandoning our studies and engaging instead in the most absurd of conversations with perfect strangers over specialty teas. The baristas know our names, Instagram handles, probably even our horoscopes. Yet they were still surprised by how quickly we burned through our “punch cards” and earned free drinks. Eventually Hailey and I began to wonder why we still bothered bringing out laptops and school work to our bubble tea dates, yet we never stopped. I think part of us still wants to believe that we’ll get some work done at Honey Bubble one of these days. Maybe next semester…
GSU Library
In the two years I have been at Georgia State, there is one place that has always been there for me: the library. Until I came to GSU, I never realized the relief one big, concrete building could bring. Everything you could possibly need is located inside this place. Printers, scanners, caffeine, even books (believe it or not) are only a small fraction of all the resources I’ve come to utilize here. But to me, the library is more than just a coffee stop before class, or the place I print my essays at. The library is where I spend the majority of my free time on campus. Whether I am killing time between classes by browsing the aisles in search of some Bukowski I have yet to read, or internalizing a mental breakdown during finals week, this building has seen every mood I have to offer. And the library has shown me many things as well. It’s incredible the kind of things you will see when you take a few moments to plop down on one of the chairs over looking the bridge, and take in the scenery. So many of the friends I have today I met at the library, or we find ourselves consistently meeting up there, and I have definitely claimed the role of reserving a study room every time a group project is assigned. It may seem silly to place so much importance on a place as simple as a library, but I don’t know how I would spend my long days on campus without it.
My Personal Oasis
“Home is where the heart is”, is a saying often times found on cheesy, cliche kitchen art decor. On the other hand, my home is where not only where my heart is and where I live, but also where my mother, brother and sweet pup Romeo reside. As a student that has always commuted to campus, I spend a lot of time here. I eat most of my meals at home with my family, and where I crawl into bed at night. I even have the luxury to have heated floors in the bathroom to warm my toes after a nice, and very much needed shower.
It is important to me because I know that there will always be someone there excited to see me. I am thankful to have food on the table, a roof over my head and knowing that my mom will wash my clothes even if I don’t ask her too. I even have somewhat of a quiet place to do homework considering my brother is 18-years-old and can be the noisiest person ever. On the weekends, I get to go out to our beautiful back yard and throw tennis balls to the sweetest dog, our Romeo. Nothing is more amusing than watching him attempted to squeeze two tennis balls in his mouth. He even likes to speed run around the perimeter of the yard like he is chasing an invisible cat. Home is important to me because at the end of the day, it’s the one place that is always there for me. It is the one place that is open to not just me, but to all of my friends. Home is definitely where my heart is even if it’s not hanging on the kitchen walls.
My Happy Place On Campus
Everyone on campus always has that one spot that they prefer to go to regularly, and for me it is the stone seating right next to Langdale Hall, you know that area where all the tents are put up. This little spot is important to me because it gives me somewhere to sit and breath and actually enjoy the day. It gives me the opportunity to take a break from a stressful mind set that a class can leave me in. I’m able to be alone, but not actually be alone. It’s where I sit between short class changes, and where I go to eat a snack or make a phone call. Sometimes even to just mindlessly stare at my phone, and keep refreshing my apps even though I’ve seen the content 1000 times already. It’s often the spot that I choose to cram for a test, or even just for some casual study time. It is the same spot that I have been going to since I first started attending Georgia State during the summer of 2015. I like the feeling of keeping to myself but still being in the middle of the busy school motion. I get to watch the other students move through their daily motions, the traffic jam of students between class changes and even see others choosing their spots to do just the same thing as I am. I am glad that I discovered this spot, because it gives me the chance to relax, even if it’s just for five minutes, or gives me that tiny boost of confidence I need when I glance over my notes right before a test.
Nostalgia in the Mountains
I find that my childhood is connected very closely to the books I read. I dove into the worlds, became fully consumed by them. During my summers, I spent most of my break with my grandparents, who live in the Blue Ridge mountains. Their home is idyllic, nestled in the valley with a creek trickling past, surrounded by cow pasture and colorful mountains. I would read by the creek, on the porch, out in the pasture- anywhere within earshot of my Papa. When I visit now, I feel a sense of nostalgia for that period of my youth where anything was possible. I was not yet eleven years old, so the potential for my letter from Hogwarts to arrive was tangible. Narnia was the woods past the garden, where the trees grew wily and untamed. As I grew up, I lost some of that imagination. My eleventh birthday came and went, and my love for reading books shifted to a necessity to study books. The mountains, though, retain some of that magic. The trees are still gnarled in a way that invokes images of Hobbits and wizards, and the creek still speaks in that same soothing voice that lulled me to sleep in the bright summer sun. Now, though, the woods are like an old friend. One day, I will sit for a spell and visit with my childhood self. I will again adventure and become enveloped by the worlds that words created, but nature provided the backdrop and setting.
This place also provided a different sort of comfort. My grandparents both are very important to me, but my grandmother occupies a great part of my heart. I feel that we are bits of the same soul (not in the Heathcliff sort of way). Most of my habits that make me feel comfort come from her. I bake and watch crime shows because of her. I stay up way too late because of her. I am the person I am because of her.
Sentimental Spot at State
There are so many beautiful spots on Georgia State’s campus, but my favorite beyond all others is located at 100 Auburn Avenue. The Honors College is important not only for it’s ideal locale, but also because it has had a profound effect on my studies and life as a whole. The Honors College is a place where I feel welcome and cared for, which is sometimes hard to find on a campus as extensive as Georgia State’s. While I tend to study at the library or at one of the various coffee shops around town, I find that the Honors College is the quietest place to finish assignments or catch up on some leisure reading. Through the Honors College, I was able to receive the Presidential Scholarship. This scholarship is the most profound and influential aspect of my life thus far. Without this scholarship, school would not have been a viable option for me. So, I am extremely indebted to the Honors College, as the Presidential Scholarship has allowed be to grow as a person, pursue my studies, and fulfill the things I never dared to dream- like traveling to Ireland. I also have found some of my best guidance at the Honors College. One of my greatest mentors was also a Presidential Scholar, as are some of my greatest friends. I have found that the people that work in the Honors College are some of my greatest advocates, and they believe in me and my studies even when I have doubts. Above all, the Honors College has provided me a home while at State. A home in the sense that I feel accepted and encouraged, advocated for and always welcome.
Unleash Your Mind at Brookhaven Park
Brookhaven Park is located at 4158 Peachtree Rd, Brookhaven GA 30329. This it is one of our favorite places in the city, and it’s part of our daily lives. By “our” I mean my dogs and I. As I mentioned previously , I have a golden retriever that is almost 3 years old, and a 4 month old husky. I absolutely adore them. After a long day at school or work I rush home to take them for run/walk . For them, this is the best way to burn some energy off, and have some fun.For me, this is the best way to leave all my worries behind, and enjoy life and those I love the most. We found this place about two years ago, and it has become our #1 spot to hang out. One of the most amazing things about this place is that although is not officially a dog park, dogs are allow to be off leash if they are under the supervision of their owners. This is thanks to the support of the community, which for the most part are pet parents. This park is truly a hidden gem for pet owners in Atlanta. People are usually very friendly, responsible, and committed to their pets, which creates a beautiful and most importantly safe environment for everyone.
My dogs are big part of my life. I like to think of them as family of own, and this is perhaps the reason why this place means such to me. I love seeing them run all over the place, and chase after each other. It brings me so much joy. In this place we get to spend quality of time as family,which is very important for the three of us.
Georgia State University Library
One of my favorite and most significant places on campus is the library, which is located at 100 Decatur St SE, Atlanta, GA 30303. In particularly, I enjoy visiting the 5th floor of Library South which appears in the photograph above. I usually come to this place when I am looking for some clarity ; both academically, and personally. The 5th floor of library south is designed for quiet study, which makes it the perfect spot to set my mind free, organize my thoughts, focus on what’s important and eventually find the answers to all my questions. Whether is writing an essay, reading a book,or studying for a test, this is the best spot on campus to get it all done. The library offers an incredible view of the city, which is always refreshing. This makes it also a great place to relax, and clear your mind.
The reason why this place is significant to me is because it has seem me work hard towards the completion of my degree, and has served as an inspiration to keep working on it. Georgia State University Library counts with thousands of useful printed and electronic resources to helps us succeed academically. The resources found in this place have helped me define who I am as individual, as student , and who I want to become as political scientist. One of the things I love the most about this place is its accessibility. The library has very convenient hours of operation, which allows students to use this space at almost anytime.