Ulster Museum, Our Last Day In Ireland

Today was our very last day of our program and in Ireland. This is an incredibly upsetting thing to write right now, because I’ve had the time of my life here. Today I felt was the perfect last day. We ended going to the Ulster Museum and the botanical gardens which were both absolutely massive. The photo above is of the glass house in the botanical gardens and I thought this house was amazing because all of the plants were so unique. Afterwards we went to the museum which had a lot of history of how Northern Ireland came to be. There was a part of the museum I opted out of seeing, which was the natural history section that was full of taxidermy. As a vegan I don’t agree with the ethics of this, but other than that part I found the museum to be amazing. The Troubles exhibit was my favorite because it was really powerful to see all of the propaganda throughout the streets of Ireland, and I had no idea that all of these things happened to recently. The museum really opened up my eyes into the brutal history both Ireland and Northern Ireland faced. After the museum we went on the Black Taxi tour which I felt was extremely one-sided. The tour guides only talked about how horrible the IRA was and not really about what their mission was. I did enjoy all of the art and memorials on the streets because something about going to a place where a major thing happened makes it all the more powerful. Our dinner was a nice wrap up of our program, the food was incredible as well as all of you people that were apart of this wonderful trip. I honestly believe that I had made lifelong friends and I will never forget this experience.

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