
Today we went to an excursion to Howth which was by far my favorite activity and place so far on this trip. Howth was incredibly breathtaking with the clear blue water to the mountains and to the beautiful houses along the terraces. This place meant a lot to me because I grew up in the mountains, and while I was living there I did not take much appreciation for the beautiful scenery around me. I was so over the nature part and really just wanted to live in the city as a teenager. Once I moved to the city I had to get used to stopping seeing trees and mountains and other natur-ey things. Once I came to Howth I immediately felt a connection. I felt a connection with a place that I’ve nearly explored. I found this to be interesting, because I feel that I have always been a city person. I do find myself still wanting to live in the city, but because of my upbringing I think I may have a felt a connection with Howth because of the scenery and that it’s all nature. Even though we walked the farthest amount today out of our whole trip, this excursion tired me out the least. I have always found myself adventurous so I feel that I made a connection with Howth and all of it’s beauty. One thing that really struck me about this place was how beautiful and clear the water was. It was beautifully blue without any trash floating around. I found the litter to be at a minimum in general here in Dublin, and I think that says a lot about Irish culture and American culture.

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