Kilmainham Gaol

Today was an incredibly eye-opening day for me. Having the history of the 1916 Easter Rising already fresh on my mind from the previous day, it was amazing to see where the executions of some of the most influential Irish men were executed. As I mentioned previously, there is a huge difference in classroom learning and seeing in real life the landmarks in which history was made. Kilmainham Gaol, having been a prime location for several films, seemed rather familiar to me. The reality really hit me when I saw the names of the prisoners, whom I had read about, on plaques above the cells in which they spent their time at Kilmainham Gaol.

At the very end of the tour, we were brought to the exact spots in which the 14 rebels had been executed. I find it important to mention that although the jail has been turned into a museum popular among tourists, the history and integrity of the infrastructure has been excellently preserved. After walking through the wings of the jail and even inside some of the cells, I had an entirely new perception of the men of the Easter Rising and their final hours.

After a rather heavy day, we got to attend High Tea at UCD. I have really been enjoying the activities and events that the college has been providing that allow us to get better exposure to the Irish culture and customs. Although the High Tea was more or less a social event, I met some lovely people and enjoyed spending time with the ladies in my group. Of course a good photo-opportunity is never a bad way to end the evening!

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