There is Always something new to see & Learn

 Today was a day full of activities. We had the opportunity to explore a different side of the city, and walk through James Joyce’s neighborhood. One of the things I enjoyed the most about the tour is the fact that we got to the chance to learned a little more about the personal life of the author, and actually see the landmarks that marked his life and career. These places served as an inspiration to established the settings in his book “Dubliners ” and “Ulysses” . After the tour we headed towards Dublin Port, where we got to contemplate an incredible view of the city. It was very refreshing, and I must say a much more peaceful and calm side of Dublin. Later on, we headed to another extraordinary  place: the Abby Theather. This place was founded by Lady Greogory and  W.B Yates with the sole propose of raising awareness in the community of the importance of developing a national identity .. or at least something  unique about who they were  as community. It of course served as platform to address political, and social issues in a more entrataining and peaceful way. We had the opportunity to watch the performance  of No’s Knife , which was incredible. Lisa Dawn managed  to interpret Samuel Beckett’s ideas in such peculiar way. It was just admirable. The whole act was well-put together. The sound effects definitely added so much context to the words of Beckett in “Texts For Nothing”.  Of course my favorite part was the final act, when the actress actually perform one of the texts assigned , and discccusted in our classs.  Being able to see her interpretation brought me  so much more clarity , and understanding of the texts. It was definitely an anmazing experience.  

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