City Strolling

Most of today was beautiful and dry! Exploring the city of Dublin felt so surreal, especially because I’m just now forming my own memories and have the opportunity to create my own experiences. My favorite event was the pub crawl. I learned so many fun facts about James Joyce! It was very interesting to me to be able to actually be in the same pubs that are in his literary works. We begin our journey at Dukes, a hot crowded, but overall exciting pub. During the pub crawl, we made a stop at Trinity College, which is extremely beautiful and I just adore the fact that it was built in the 1500’s.

Wandering about the streets of Dublin gave me the opportunity to connect what I was seeing to the beginning stories in James Joyce’s “Dubliners”. Just like the young boys in the first three stories, I was able to grasp the meaning of the “real Dublin” experience. I’ve never really had the chance to explore any other city aside from Atlanta, which is my home city and because  I was born and raised in Atlanta, I know it like the back of my hand. Walking up and down the streets of Dublin is shaping the person that I am already, and I can not wait to see the person that I become by the end of this trip.

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About Chelsea

As a junior at Georgia State University, Chelsea is exploring the world as a new journalist. When she is not buried in books and schoolwork, she's working at Hello Gorgeous Boutique and Cafe- Chamblee's local oasis! She enjoys challenging the norm, and venturing outside of her average day-to-day routine. When she's not on campus, or at work you can find her slipping on a delicious macchiato!

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