Class this morning

This morning, during class we discussed animal rights since we had visited the Dead Zoo the day before and we discussed the ethics of taxidermy. We discussed how the powerful and wealthy are usually the ones to be the people who poach and are not generally thinking about animal rights or human rights for that matter. I began to think about how people in third world countries think about animal rights. Most of the time people in third world countries can not think about animal rights because they do not have the resources to take care of their own lives/rights much less the rights of animals. So, socio economics has a lot to do with animal rights or lack thereof. In most third world countries, it is pretty common for animal abuse to occur because there are many stray animals and most “domestic” animals live outside. Many of the animals are poisoned to try to keep the population s down. So even when people from third world countries move to a first world country it can be difficult to change their views on animal rights due to the way they grew up and diet changes like becoming a vegan or vegetarian can be difficult because food is rooted in culture and living without meat or dairy is sometimes not an option. This makes the morals and ethics of animal rights even muddier than it is for people whio live in first world countries.





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