Dublin Bay

This is Dublin Bay at low tide. It is possible to go out and walk into the bay when it is like this. We saw this on our first day in Dublin when we went to the train station. The bay seems like it is a very defining( not sure if that is the word I want to use) location in Dublin. It is something you can see from various points and is most likely the location/scene for many a book and film. In fact, one part of the bay across from where we were standing is the film location for the last scene in Sing Street. In the scene, the two main character get in a boat and try to sail to England.

I took this picture on my first day in Dublin. I was just starting to take in the environment and enjoy everything that I was seeing. I had just gotten settled in at the school and we had a very informative tour of the school.

On that first day, we took a train to Blackrock and had our first group meal at a pub there. During our meal, we got to know one another a little better since we were in an informal non-classroom setting.

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