My Personal Space – A Bookstore, Of Course

A place significant to me in my personal life is absolutely any bookstore – this photo happens to be of the Barnes & Noble on Peachtree Street close to my apartment. As an only child, I absolutely poured myself into reading and bookstores were a safe haven for me. I’ve been to many bookstores over the years and have bought more than a couple hundred books for school and personal enjoyment. Even today bookstores are my favorite place – I can grab some coffee or tea, a light snack, and sit down and read a new book or study for class at any time of the day or week.

To me, my personal place needs to be somewhere I can unwind and relax: somewhere I can truly be at peace and be myself. A bookstore is, without a doubt, that place for me. It sounds predictable – and in many ways it is – but I have always felt at home surrounded by books. I normally go to one when I really need a new read or I desperately need to get an assignment done.

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