Layered image of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Layered image of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump


Presidential Election: On November 9th, 2016 Donald J. Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States of America. There are many arguments that are brought upon the people of the United States when the name “Donald Trump” is mentioned. Many Americans see Donald Trump as the best choice while others see him as the worst. There are many reasons and accusations to why people feel strongly about this Yes and No of Trump. There was a huge video display of trump in 2005 speaking very boldly of his attractions towards beautiful women. In a publicly released video, he makes a statement saying “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am,”.


I honestly see things in a different way from what others may see. If you are out in the open with information, especially open to the internet about this information, what was said and done never goes away. People may forget about it, yes, because there are many world wide things that happen daily, but it does not change your actions and words. In the video  (Trump speaking on explicit video from 2005), Trump sounds really dull and it seems as if he wrote the speech only in a positive way to change the opinions of those who saw him as less than a man, and most definitely an unfit candidate for president. To believe a speech or even a statement as the one he gave, I would call that simple minded.


Donald trump has always talked down on people who were not of his kind; being wealthy or upper class. About 15 years ago, he mentioned that if he ran for president, all of the uneducated blacks would take his word for anything and he would have their vote. Well, would you say that he was right ? or would you say this is another reason why he is unfit to be president? Now for those who caste their votes to Hillary, I couldn’t agree more, but then again, both Hillary and Donald Trump had their faults. I personally would go with Hillary because she wasn’t only thinking of upper class, she considered blacks and the minorities feelings. The minority is just an object, maybe not even that, to Donald Trump, but with Hillary Clinton, there was some feeling of hope for the future. I felt as if she would have continued on President Obama’s path to making things better for everyone and not just some.


In the end of it all, “you get what you paid for”, so in conclusion to that statement, Those who voted for Donald Trump will receive exactly what he has to offer, IF he even has anything “Great” to offer, and that’s a big If. The only way to “Make America Great Again” is for everyone to stop being at odds with each other and be the change(s) that they would like to see in the world and/or in their future. Nothing truly successful happens overnight, it takes hard work and dedication.