
How to be a successful online student

Screen captures of Flash movies created by previous employees



Schedule a time to complete your online course assignments. It can be easy to forget about your online classes because you don’t have to attend a class during the week. Still give this class the same amount of attention as your other classes. Don’t fall behind work. Stick to your schedule!

Limit Distractions

Limit your distractions! Yes, while doing these assignments you will be on the internet but don’t open up unnecessary tabs. Don’t check your email, twitter timeline, or Facebook notifications. Be able to stay focus to your assignments.

Ask Questions

If you’re sitting in class and you don’t understand something or you have a question you raise your hand and ask, right? The same goes for online classes. Of course you can’t raise your hand but don’t be afraid to ask your instructor or classmates questions. Don’t assume or ignore your questions.

Tool Inventory


Task Tools Reason
You have to lead an online presentation on the contents of your history term paper. Prezi


These two tools would be great to create an online presentation. Both websites allow you to create creative and fun slideshows. 


The final exam for your economics course is coming up, and you need to collect all of your (and hopefully your classmates’) online resources for a study guide Email


When needing to collect information from a group, I say email is the best tool. You can send out all your information in one email and send it to as many people as you want. Another great tool to use is Google Drive because it’s a faster and more organized way to stay connected throughout a project. You and your classmates have access to all the files and information you need via one document instead of multiply emails. 


You need to create an interactive tour of Berlin as an assignment for your study abroad program. Round.me


Roundme allows you to create interactive tours with really cool and creative effects. Swipe is another cool website that allows you give a presentation and have a conversation with viewers at the same time. Both tools would help make an amazing interactive tour of Berlin. 


You and a group of your classmates have been asked to do a collaborative research project on how Facebook affects young people. Wikipedia


While doing this project, Wikipedia would be a great source to find information needed and possible links to studies on young adults and Facebook usage. Another great tool would be email, to send all the information found to your group members. 


All about me


Hello Guys!

My name is Deja Smalls. I am currently a Junior, studying exercise science for Physical Therapy. My goals is to become a pediatric physical therapist and have my own practice by the time I’m 40. I transferred here to Georgia State University my sophomore year and I absolutely love it. I get home sick and miss the winter sometimes because I’m from New York City but I cant get enough of Georgia! I’m super excited to start this class. While reading unit 1 and learning about blogs it made me want to start my own blog in the future. I’m excited to see what else this class might have me doing.

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