Below are some excellent Presentation tips as well as a couple of presentation-help links…

1. Create a consistent look and feel. – It helps to thinks of your presentation as a story. Using slides that include the same graphic elements, color, and typography create cohesion and uniformity. Sometimes the pre-designed template help but they can also be restrictive.

Go easy on the effects and transitions. – Keep effects and transitions limited and consistent. Sometimes to0 many effects mean uninteresting content and can lead to a cluttered or confusion slide. Use simple ones.

Reproduce simple charts and graphs. – Using a sourced imaged of a chart works fine most of the time but in order to create cohesion & not disrupt the feel of the presentation, it is also possible to redraw a simple graph in the native presentation application. Doing so allows for a consistent feel throughout the presentation with complete control over all aspects of the graph design like color and typography.
