Dsanders23 @ GSU

Blog by Deve' Sanders

Month: August 2015

Tool Inventory(A3)

Task #1: You have to lead an online presentation on the contents of your history term paper.

  • Collaborative Visualization Tool & Video Sharing Site: A collaborative visualization tool like Wordle would allow you to share the important contents of your term paper. Similarly, a  video sharing site, such as YouTube,enables you to present your information in an interactive or demonstrative way.

Task #2: The final exam for you economics course is coming up, and you need to collect all of your (and hopefully your classmates’) online resources for a study guide.

  • Electronic Social Network & Email: Through an electronic social network like Facebook or the use of email, students are now able to stay in touch with one another outside of class. Resources such as these allow information and notes to be exchanged remotely and could allow for a collaborative effort in creating a final exam study guide.

Task #3: You need to create an interactive tour of Berlin as an assignment for your study abroad program.

  • Blog & Collaborative Visualization Tool: With a both a blog and a collaborative visualization tool, such as Prezi, information can be displayed creative and interactive platforms that can hold a lot of content but are still able to pull the viewer in.

Task #4: You and a group of your classmates have been asked to do a collaborative research project on how Facebook has affected the social habits of young adults.

  • Collaborative Visualization Tool & Wiki: A wiki is a great place to collaboratively add, edit, and view information and with a collaborative visualization tool, like Prezi or Mindmeister, the information can be placed into format that is easily manageable by everyone in the group.


Hi! My name is Deve’ (pronounced “Deh-vay”). This is my 4th year at GSU. I am a senior working on my B.S. in Psychology. Born in OK, but have lived in GA since I was two. I love reading & animals (I currently have two dogs, a cat, and a ball python).

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