Reflection Journal #8

With anything you do that requires you to deliver information, there are a few things to be aware of:

  1. Title – How you label your information can be very important. The title should declare what the information is that you are presenting. The title does not have to be very long or complex, but it should make sense.
  2. Context – Context is important because sometimes the title just is not enough, or maybe it is a little ambiguous. Your information may require some context. Where needed (and if possible), it is not bad to make a statement declaring what information you are presenting. Information without context can lack clarity, not always but often enough that it should be considered.
  3. Formatting – When presenting a visual summary of information, it is important that the visual is easy to understand, AND easy to see and focus on


My first example is of a infographic titled “Rainbow Bubbles” on the website library. Once you open it, the title seems to be “Elements” on the actual infographic. In general, I would not call this a good infographic. The title did not say what type of elements were going to be discussed. When I first looked at, I was thinking that physical elements, like earth, wind, air, and fire. Once you have looked at the whole infographic (it is short), you realize that the infographic is discussing chemical elements, as in the periodic table. This infographic was also unclear in that the information did not seem to fit together. The first set of bubbles talk about how the different elements are named. For example, some elements were named for cities and some were named for mythical creatures. A certain number of elements were known to ancient civilizations. The second set of bubbles stated when groups of elements were discovered. Right at the tail end of this set is a bubble labeled Iron, and below this bubble is a couple of statements talking about Iron. I just didn’t really see the purpose of this infographic.

This is a better infographic. The title, “Instagram Privacy”, is very clear and when you look at the infographic you see that the title matches the information. This infographic was in subtitled paragraph format. So, each section had a different subtitle and a short blurb about whatever the topic was. It should be applauded that each section dealt with Instagram privacy policies. Although the infographic was not long and most likely did not cover all of the Instagram policies, it did give brief, understandable coverage of the policies that were discussed. It was understandable, simple, and clear.

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