Dream Project StoryBoard

This is my first EduBlog and surprisingly it was fairly simple to create. My first ever storyboard is about my dream of wanderlust with a mysterious twist. Travel along with me as we witness a young girl travel into another dimension in search of  a missing element of love, only to be surprised with what is at the end of her journey. The media used in this project are acrylic paint, various water color pens and color pencil. I hope you enjoy this mini story as we travel not down the rabbit hole but to the sky of dreams!

Scene 1: The Awakening

  • Upon her peak of waking up, She awakens and is mesmerized by vibrant yellow flower. Upon reaching to pick it she falls into a dark hole.

Scene 2: The Breaking Point

  • Falling down the illusion whirlpool, She hits the checkered solid floor. **THUD**

She searches for her way out and travels numerous obstacles such as, high heart rate (symbolized in red)

She searches for her way out and travels numerous obstacles such as, toxicity (symbolizes by barbwire)

She searches for her way out and travels numerous obstacles such as, maturing (symbolizes by crossroads)

  • She surpasses all these obstacles and sees a door, questioned by if it leads to freedom or more obstacles.
  • She takes the chance and pushes the door open.
  • ….To her surprise, it’s her deepest fears. (A dragon and a reflection of her former destructive self)

Scene 3: The Resolution

  • She swallows her pride and realizes after overcoming the previous obstacles, she can conquer her fears.

She reasons with the dragon by having a heart to heart and understands truly where her fear came from deep down inside.

She reasons with her former destructive self and comes to turns with her past, but she will never defy her.

  • As she reaches her resolution, she notices a mirror and sees her reflection. She is a NEW person. 
  • The doors reopen and she is back to reality, a better version of herself.


One Reply to “Dream Project StoryBoard”

  1. Your use of color demonstrated the reality of what was happening. You used cool colors, that indicates to me peace. Your 1 point, 2-point, and atmospheric perspective, were well demonstrated as well. Sound was used to indicate things that were going on at the moment, and the dragon was her fear, which you showed she ended up conquering. I liked your story and how you used the yellow flower and the dragon to demonstrate it. Your story brings us from what she is facing in her life to a positive conclusion of herself, that seems to be evident when she awakens. I also liked the way you used pencil or ink to denote depth, and shadows, with you hatching techniques. I think your first job at this was done very efficiently and well.

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