Young Atlanta Press

Fall 2020

“How Lucky Am I” by: Rokisha Brown

I open my eyes to the walls of my bedroom bathed in the peachy tones of early morning sunlight. This early, everything is quiet and sealed with a profound stillness. A calmness settles in my chest with each breath expanding from my fingertips and down to my toes. With certainty, I know that the time…

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(Don’t) Stop the Beat

Written by Akash Harjani It starts with a catchy beat—the tapping of a drum, the strumming of the guitar—and no matter how it starts, the end is always the same. People jump out of their seats and start dancing or singing. If one has ever had a deep connection with music, something about the songs…

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Afrofuturism: It’s Origins and Impact on Pop Culture

By: Alexis Hayes Science fiction is a genre commonly used to explore the many possibilities of technological advancement and scientific discoveries that could (and probably would) take us. It also allows us to critique our present in a creative manner. Imagining how humans might react if we ever encounter extraterrestrial life (like in the many…

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Mental Health Awareness During Covid-19

By Carly Sisson It’s no secret that the topic of mental health has long been stigmatized, only recently gaining mainstream attention and positive recognition. While the last decade has shown tremendous improvements in the destigmatization of mental illness, it is still not recognized or treated as commonly or openly as physical illnesses, only 43.4% of…

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