October 27

The Innovation Campus Summary

The Innovation Campus
Building Better Ideas Summary

This article showed numerous university’s and how the campus is designed to help students and not hinder them. Although I like Georgia State our campus does not help us. In fact, it can easily cause distractions solely because of its location and other factors that play into downtown Atlanta.
For example at university of Utah: “Different floors have different themes, based on Utah’s existing strengths: one for games and digital media, one for adventure and gear, one for design and the arts, one for global impact and sustainability. The ground-floor “garage” has workshops equipped with 3-D printers, laser cutters and other prototyping tools, available to anyone at the university and staffed by work-study students. All the programs offered by the Lassonde Entrepreneurship Institute, the division that is building the studios, are extracurricular and interdisciplinary; a few degrees are offered in partnership with the business school.” This shows its hands on resources for students at Utah. I’m not even sure if Georgia state has these type of amenities to offer because it’s not brought upon our attention.

The radical restructuring of both curriculum and architecture are supposed to contribute to greater parity. Gone is a first year of large lecture courses on basic science. Instead, students work alone or in small groups on a “passion project.” “If you are working on an efficient filtering system for water in Ethiopia, you will need to know more about mathematics, about partial differential equations,” Dr. Kozinski said. In the article they showed of picture of the first year classrooms at New York University and they look very hands on. They have walls like normal classes except you can actually write all over the walls. It’s more like a hands on learning experience. At some schools you get the learning and knowledge. However, it seems as if at New York you receive a learning experience and I’ve realized that experiences live with you forever. In the article they even say these tools are to help students develop ideas and bring them to real life.

It’s obvious in this article, all the schools mentioned have a lot of technology to help show real world experiences. Wichita State has a 25-million-dollar engineering building. Its open 24/7 and has various jobs for students with local businesses. Not only is this a wonderful resource but it also provides a career path for lots of students. Lots of students go to school looking for jobs and are disappointed they can’t find one after paying for years of school and investing lots of time.

In conclusion, this article shows the resources of some of the best colleges in the United States as far. The resources that are shown in this article aren’t considered normal at most institutions.

October 27

Will Turner Field ever be the same?

During two different trips to turner field I realized it doesn’t have that warm feeling anymore. Yeah I understand it’s the middle of October but I’m not talking about that kind of warm. In the past turner field use to be a very welcoming and crowded atmosphere. Now you just have people who are coming to Turner Field to utilize the wonderful grill and bar they have.

During my first trip; I figured maybe I came at the wrong time so Ill return another time. If I could relate this trip to turner field I’d say it was like the library on a Sunday morning. I say this because the library is closed Sunday morning but there are still lots of security around. Even though Turner Field was open, It was completely empty outside of me and my roommate. I could’ve brought by laptop and done homework in peace at that time. My roommate stated that turner field was “dead” and by that he said he meant that it has no life line. For example, turner field is only hit with a lot of traffic when it’s a special event and if there isn’t one then turner field has no use. Being that braves are no longer affiliated with turner field the traffic will always be this way.

He then gave me the idea of coming back on a Saturday night to see what’s it’s like. We went back the following Saturday and I really didn’t believe it. It was a wedding at turner field. A wedding at turner field, on a Saturday night. I wanted to ask a few question, but I wouldn’t want to interfere with someone’s special moment. I thought about how much it would cost and why they picked night time to have the wedding. I came to turner field expecting the same results as the first time; however, I was proven wrong.

Being that didn’t want to interfere with the actual wedding taking place, I talked to the security guard and he told me just because the Braves left doesn’t mean it’s the end of Turner Field. They have events like this all the time he said. He told me they a rented out all the time for concerts, festivals, dinners, marriage proposals, and you can even pay to practice at turner field. That seems pretty amazing.

However as far as traffic, you will no longer have to wait 30 minutes just to make it down the street. Also the parking can now fulfill the attendance at turner field. The security guard stated that since turner field has parted ways with the Braves his job has been way easier. With Georgia state buying turner field and the fan base being way smaller than the braves; Will the traffic at Turner Field ever be the same?

October 27

Growing up in Atlanta

Growing up in Atlanta, I must say Turner Field was an attraction in my life. Many years ago I took weekly trips to turner field to attend the Braves games. As a kid, I actually hated the trips to turner field and baseball was one of the worst sports to watch back then.

During my most recent trip it became quite bittersweet. How did a simple project for ENGL 1102 become bittersweet; my roommates asked. Well I’m not sure if many realized but you won’t be able to walk or take the shuttle to see the Atlanta Braves play. To be more precise, they technically won’t even be considered the “Atlanta” because they will be located in Cobb County.

Even though I attend Georgia State University and it is now their property, I feel as if a major key from Atlanta has been taking away. Even though I may be jumping the gun while saying this; Turner Field will never be Turner Field again. Also, what about all the famous and legendary baseball players that are named on pretty much every street around Turner Field?

Overall, spending at the Braveless Turner Field was not the same as it normally is. Only due to the major change coming. Change is not necessarily a bad thing, However when you’ve been living in Atlanta almost all your life and they take a major element of it away you begin to feel different.