Author: sluna5
90’s Society & Culture
The 90s was a decade of fashionable music trends, lyrics, and styles. Most popular music influences a listener’s attitudes, behavior, mood, and values. As well as the culture changes, the society had huge changes, being that the unemployment rate was at its lowest, Americans had money to spend, this decade was named the “luxury fever”. The reason being Americans began to gamble and it even was estimated that it brought in $1.4 billion in tax revenue to state and local governments. During this time people were also very interested in coffee being displayed through coffee shops such as Starbucks since they were making coffee more widely available via mail, coffee bars starting becoming immensely popular.

In the 90’s gays and lesbians were establishing themselves into society, this term was starting to become partially socially acceptable according to statistics, then finally in 92’ Clinton came into office and tried to lift the ban on gays serving in the U.S. military, then he finally compromised on the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, requiring all parties to stay silent regarding a soldier’s sexual orientation. Most denominations of Christianity rejected homosexuality since it was deemed in the Bible to be unnatural and a sin.