Welcome Module

A Welcome Module is often the first module in a course where students are oriented to the course: course syllabus, course schedule, course policies, and the technology that will be used. It is also helpful to guide students on strategies to succeed in an online class. Instructors could also use the Welcome module to start building community in the class.

Through the interviews conducted, it was discovered that students often search for multiple forms of information within the initial week of a course. This can entail the course syllabus, weekly schedules, particulars about the instructor, the course’s expectations and obligations, instructions for utilizing external educational tools, communication policies, and conditions for group projects.

It appears to be a step by step process that leaves nothing out. My assumption as a student is that if I complete each step in the order written, that I will have completed all of the assignments.

It makes me feel like I’m at home

Based on our UX research, we found that the arrangement of the Course Syllabus, Welcome Activities, and Tips for Success submodules in the welcome module was confirmed to be effective. Additionally, it is suggested that a brief welcome message be included in the description field of the welcome module to establish a welcoming tone for communications.

An example of the Welcome Module Description Field

Course Syllabus

Of the 16 reviewed courses, we found that each one provides a deconstructed version of the syllabus as well as a printable one. Our interviews with students revealed that they appreciate the deconstructed version for its ease of use but expressed concern about the consistency between the two versions. We suggest conducting a thorough review of both versions before each new semester to ensure that the information and messaging are the same.

An Example Page of Course Syllabus Submodule

Welcome Activities

Welcome activities in online courses promote engagement and a sense of belonging by introducing the platform, teachers, and students. They establish communication norms, course expectations, and an inclusive atmosphere. Most common welcome activities include self-introduction/icebreaker, syllabus quiz, class contract, student background survey, class expectation survey, etc.

An Example Page of Welcome Activities Submodule

Tips for Success

In response to feedback from students struggling with navigating iCollege and online learning, we have developed a number of HTML pages as additional resources for online students, particularly those new to the experience. These pages can be found in the BBA Starter Kit and instructors are able to add further resources, such as advice from previous students, external learning tool tutorials, and writing tips, to this module.

An Example Page of Tips for Success Submodule

Additional Tips

A valuable insight we gained from BBA UX research is that incorporating well-defined and informative headings can significantly enhance the students’ navigation experience. It would be highly advantageous to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all the headings of pages and items in the welcome module to ensure a smooth start to the course.